Friday, December 29, 2017


Stepping out into Deep Places 
Jennifer Woodley

‘When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”’ Luke 5:4

It is safer to live in shallow, predictable places. To do each day in the comfort of what we know well, what is familiar. We love to be in situations where we don’t feel out of our depth. However, there will be times in our faith journey when God invites us to step out into deeper waters, to minister in uncomfortable and unfamiliar territory.

Like Simon Peter, we may offer excuses or make false assumptions. “Lord it is a waste of time,” “Lord I can’t do it!” or “Lord that is not my ministry.” But God persists and gently prods. His Spirit gives us courage as we remember that it is possible to do all things He asks us to be a part of, as He strengthens us. Our confidence in God’s equipping will certainly bring a great reward.

Instead of being anxious or doubtful, ‘Let us hold fast to the confession of hope without wavering, for He who has promised is faithful’ (Hebrews 10:23). This is our proper response when we feel He is leading us into deeper waters. 

We can throw off the fears and doubts, the thoughts that quickly inhibit our growing faith and instead freely and confidently approach our Heavenly Father, asking for the faith to believe in His provision as we are led by Him to minister in deeper places.

Jennifer lives with her family near Toowoomba, Queensland. She enjoys encouraging others on their faith journey through writing and mentoring. Contact

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