Wednesday, December 27, 2017





Tricia Erickson likens president to biblical character who protected nation from enemies

“So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. When all of our enemies heard about this, all surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of God.” – Nehemiah 6:15
Nehemiah’s life was an example of leadership and organization. He gave up a comfortable and affluent position in Persia to return to the fractured homeland of his ancestors, and he united the people to reconstruct Jerusalem’s wall. In the face of opposition, he used wise protection measures for the security of the people.
Donald Trump is likewise comfortable and affluent, and has a zeal and desire to protect the American people by way of building a border wall of protection to keep America safe.
Walls represent protection. If God instructed Nehemiah to erect a wall around Jerusalem, wouldn’t this same measure be the correct action to take to protect our own homeland? 
If it was biblical then, how is it not both biblical and the right measure to take now? The people of America desperately need this same protection for our own homeland.
For many years now, France, America and other nations have kept their heads in the sand regarding terrorist threats.
After the killing of 3,000 Americans in the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and Flight 93, the ironic distraction of political correctness prevailed in the place of logical and sound judgment regarding threats that remain at hand. 
These illogical and clouded methods contributed to the psychological lull and denial of the continued looming threat to our homeland, the truth on Islam and its teachings, the reason that Islamists want to kill us, and the motive of why this is still happening. 
Denial is not national security!
Case in point, France was lackadaisical for years in all aspects of terrorism and political correctness, as in America, took the place of common sense. Some of the terrorists who committed these atrocities were once jailed in France and released. 
France had “no-go zones” where the police would not enter. Hence, the terrorists were allowed to maintain their own Islamic territory and society within the country. 
This was a perfect base to organize jihadi activities and attacks, unchecked. We have now tragically seen the disastrous results of this neglect of common sense and rational reason.
Because of past leadership, we became a nation of sitting ducks due to unwise leaders and politically (in)correct pundits and speakers who blinded our eyes to the reality of danger on the right hand while their left hands were allowing our nation to be set up for annihilation. 
Strong words? Yes, but it’s the politically incorrect truth!
If God ordained walls to be built for the protection of Jerusalem, how could this same strategy be wrong for America? 
Do we not have the right to protect our homeland from not only jihad, but also from any foreign enemy that would do us harm? 
How many times must nations, including our own, be attacked by enemies – Islamic or otherwise – 
before someone will stand up against terrorism and protect America?
I believe that building the wall of protection is singly the most important act that can be accomplished for the protection of our great nation. 
Every human being that comes to the United States of America should be thoroughly background checked.
I believe our borders absolutely must be guarded for the protection of the citizens of the United States of America. 
And when I look into the faces of my innocent grandchildren, I believe that any dereliction of the duty to protect them and the American people should be a legally actionable offense.
President Trump, in this case, is a modern-day, biblically based Nehemiah.
My comments: Islamic Terrorism is and Insidious Enemy, but more dangerous is the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists in America that that seek to Establish a TYRANNY. As it is, the LEFT and Islam, work hand in hand, to Destroy America as Founded. They are both God Haters. A Wall will not protect us from the American LEFT, although a Wall should be built for other reasons.

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