Saturday, December 30, 2017




Exclusive: Craige McMillan examines 'stupidity' spewing from biggest backers of government

With the demise of 2017, conservatives need to recognize that Twitter and big-media have made the political left in America even more stupid than they were before the 2016 presidential election.
There are facts to back up such a statement. In a recent op-ed demanding that the CHIP program for children’s health care be immediately funded, Oregon’s U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley wrote:
“I see our responsibility and mission as legislators – and the core purpose of our Constitution – as ensuring children have safe spaces, full bellies and good health.”
Let me break this gently, Sen. Merkley. “Safe spaces, full bellies and good health” are mentioned nowhere in the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Constitution’s core purpose is to prevent the federal government from riding roughshod over the states and the freedoms of the people who live within them. Children – and we must again break this gently – are actually the responsibility of their parents.
The care of children is the responsibility of their parents. When parents fail catastrophically, children may become the responsibility of the state in which they reside, depending on what the people who reside in that state have supported through their elected officials.
Before we reach catastrophic family failure, however, is it not the responsibility of churches and charitable organizations to assist crumbling families? If the state can be spared the burden through private charity, is that not the better path? 
The state should be the nanny of last resort. Too often it is the bully of first resort to plug a leftist social agenda.
It is distressing to see the large numbers of broken families and hurting children. 
But let’s give credit where credit is due: Since LBJ’s War on Poverty, the state and federal governments have attempted little more than to fix problems that their very policies have created. 
Schools are overrun with lowest possible denominator teaching. 
Cities are overrun with violent gangs that make inner-city family life a living hell. 
Illegal drugs have decimated parents, destroyed families and orphaned children.
In each case, the “cause” was, in fact, leftist policies, often forced upon the states by the federal government. 
Schools were dumbed down so those who wouldn’t work in class wouldn’t feel bad about failing. 
Gangs are widely viewed as substitute families for fatherless children. 
Decriminalizing illegal drugs sends the message that the nanny state thinks it’s A-OK, so use away.
Is it not shocking that there are perhaps only a half-dozen journalists covering national affairs in Washington, D.C., who produce anything worth reading? How is it that big-media journalists can get paid for writing “Mommy, he said a bad word to me” headlines and even worse body copy? Where is the adult oversight of these business enterprises?
Twitter and other social media are simply echo chambers, where people congregate among others who think like they do. Or more accurately, fail to think at all.  But perhaps thinking is too difficult when you’ve never been taught the skills.
Major problems are rarely solved by implementing one side of the argument, alone. But what is the only party even addressing the issues to do when the other refuses to participate? Well, they do the best they can. The solution could have been better, but the other side refused to make it better.
The political left in America needs to seriously look at the “progress” since the days of LBJ and the “Great Society.” 
It doesn’t look all that great to me. That’s why I voted to change it. Lots of others looked as well, and they agreed with their vote.
The left has overdosed on identity politics and is headed for intensive care or the morgue if it doesn’t begin a serious review of its dereliction of duty to its fellow American citizens.
Happy New Year, America!

Want a fresh start on 2018? See what God’s been doing while we’ve been politicking. Reconnaissance.
My comments: The American LEFT has abandoned God and His Word, and in so doing, has forecast its own Demise. This life only works God's Way, by His design. Any other Way will Fail. 

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