Monday, November 6, 2017


The Seven Year Rest
Jennifer Woodley 

‘But in the seventh year the land is to have a Sabbath of rest, a Sabbath to the Lord.’ Leviticus 25:4 (NIV) 

The fallow or sabbatical year is not just about resting the fields from plowing. Though this was good management of natural resources, it was also a reminder to God’s people that he was their ultimate provider. Not plowing the land meant that the Israelites would trust God to meet their needs.

Is there a message here for weary workers? Have we extended our efforts, trusting our own resources and strength, while slowly neglecting the resources and power of God? Is there an invitation to step aside from the work that is beginning to show signs of tiredness or deplete our dependence on God? 

Could God be asking us to deepen our reliance on Him instead?
In resting there is renewal, both physical and spiritual. Moreover, when we rest from work, when it is left fallow for a season, we approach it with new vitality and vigor. The long-term sustainability of the land depended upon a year’s rest. 

In this sabbatical year, the Israelites were to turn their hands to other work in order to give their fields and themselves an opportunity to become strong again. 

Our ventures may need the same kind of wisdom. And so, may our souls. Do we need a rest from our labor to rest with our Savior? What has become dry in life and needs a time for replenishing? Consider this invitation in conversation with the Father. 

Is it time to rely on the Lord more, time for the seven-year rest?

Jennifer lives with her family near Toowoomba, Queensland. She enjoys encouraging others on their faith journey through writing and mentoring. Contact

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