Thursday, November 30, 2017


Levin Warns: Battles Over Budget and Taxes ‘Are Going to Become Worse, More Difficult and Even Violent’

Michael Morris
 By Michael Morris | November 29, 2017 | 11:06 AM EST

Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin (Screenshot)
On his nationally syndicated radio talk show Tuesday, host Mark Levin warned that the battles over the budget and taxes we see in Washington “are going to become worse, more difficult and even violent at times.”
“But this fight over the budget, these fights over tax cuts – which in the end will screw many of us by the way – but these battles are going to become worse, more difficult and even violent at times,” warned Mark Levin.
Mark Levin’s comments came as Congress continues to debate tax reform, with Senate Majority Leader McConnell saying GOP concerns about the tax bill is like “sitting there with a Rubik’s Cube” and with Senator Schumer and House Minority Leader Pelosi skipping out on a White House meeting following a tweet by President Trump, wherein he suggested that “Chuck” and “Nancy” “want to substantially RAISE Taxes” and that he does not “see a deal!”
Below is a transcript of Levin’s remarks on his show Tuesday:
“I’ve been watching the debate over the tax cuts like you have and trying to figure out what they are, where to get the money from and how to grow the economy, and it gets more and more difficult, more and more complicated – they get more and more into the weeds.
“Then we watch today as Schumer and Pelosi did their drama queen act, in which they decided they weren’t going to sit down with the president to decide how to come up with even a temporary spending plan to ‘prevent the government from shutting down.’
“As you and I know, it never shuts down.
“But in the future, it’s going to get worse and worse because problems are piling up that future politicians, future congresses and future presidents are going to be incapable of resolving.

They’re going to be incapable of resolving because the laws of economics, as I’ve said a thousand times, will catch up with the laws of politics, and the laws of economics will win out.
“And just as demographic changes in this country over the last 10 to 15 years have made it impossible to address illegal immigration, to secure the border, and even high levels of legal immigration. It’s made the politics almost impossible based on the mindset in Washington D.C., as more and more states turn purple and then blue.
So too when it comes to this massive debt that gets bigger and bigger and bigger – bigger and bigger and bigger.
“And all we hear from Republicans and many of their pom-pom boys and girls is class warfare propaganda, and this is what it’s going to come down to.
“But this fight over the budget, these fights over tax cuts – which in the end will screw many of us by the way – but these battles are going to become worse, more difficult and even violent at times.”

My comments: Levin is telling us what we should all know already: There is No Easy way out of a Finacial  Catastrophe. Even to balance the Budget is probalbly beyond the realm of possiblity. So, America, will at some point, go off the Fiscal Cliff. America decided to abandon God and His Word, and will Pay the Price for this Disobedience. In all likelyhood, this Catastrophe will Usher in the Antichrist. He will be the man with the answers--his "mark."

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