Sunday, October 29, 2017


The Tailgating Christian
Toni Babcock

On the King's highway, you might find some folks I refer to as tailgating Christians.  

These are people who follow other Christian personalities or ideologies so closely, they lose their own God-given perspective.  

They cease to be led of the Spirit and choose to be led by others.  And what if that person they follow isn't carefully following the King's highway, and proceeds to take a wrong turn?  

Doesn't God expect us to keep our own eyes on the road?

Most of us are aware of Christians so enamored by religious personalities, anyone who doesn't follow along point by point is a suspected heretic.  

But following humans too closely runs the risk of tying a noose around the truth so tightly the breath of God is snuffed right out.  

I'm more inclined to believe God can and should move and breath in the heart of a soul, even if it means someone else's carefully stacked cards get knocked over.  After all, none of us can claim infallibility.  

It keeps God sovereign and us humble.

Toni Babcock is author of The Stone Writer, Christian Fiction for Young Readers and Teens. Contact

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