Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Benjamin Franklin



Not even abolitionist Benjamin Franklin is safe from left's attacks

Chelsea Schilling
It’s the latest case of anti-Confederacy hysteria sweeping America: Now school officials in Texas may remove the name of Benjamin Franklin – an abolitionist and Founding Father who signed the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution – from a middle school over a “connection to Confederacy.”
WND has reported on the nationwide effort to remove Confederate statues and symbols from government grounds across America. Now Dallas Independent School District appears to be joining that movement with an investigation into the names of its schools.
Not even Thomas Jefferson, America’s third president, is safe from scrutiny, despite the fact that both Franklin and Jefferson died decades before the South’s secession.
“This was just a very quick review of looking at the biographies of the individuals,” Dallas Independent School District chief of school leadership Stephanie Elizalde told trustees, according to the Dallas Morning News. “And if there was any association with Confederacy – not making a judgment for or against – just if we saw Confederacy named in it, we then highlighted it. We are now in the process of taking a second [look].”
It’s the book they didn’t want you to read. “The Jefferson Lies” is available now from the WND Superstore.
Trustee Dustin Marshall expressed serious concern over the inclusion of Franklin in the list of schools to be considered for renaming.
“I will not support a name change for Franklin since Benjamin Franklin clearly had many accomplishments that form the basis for why the school was named after him,” Marshall wrote in a Facebook post Saturday. “I don’t believe this school was named after Franklin to send a signal of oppression and control.”
Like many men in their day, both Franklin and Jefferson were known to have owned slaves. But by the time of America’s founding, Franklin was outspoken in his condemnation of slavery, and he led the nation’s first abolitionist society.
Four of the Dallas-area schools that are currently scheduled to be renamed include:
  • Albert Sidney Johnston Elementary School 2.
  • William L. Cabell Elementary School 3.
  • Stonewall Jackson Elementary School.
  • Robert E. Lee Elementary School.
School officials are still determining what actions to take on the names of at least 20 more schools. A list obtained by the Dallas Morning News also includes Sam Houston, James Bowie, William Travis, U.S. President James Madison, James Gaston and William Brown Miller.
“The bright line distinction that we’re looking for here – and I absolutely want to avoid a slippery-slope situation – is not whether they were a general or a brigadier general, but whether the school was named in order to honor that individual specifically for their role in the Confederacy,” Marshall explained.
Meanwhile, in dozens of cities across the U.S., activists have been vandalizing and toppling Confederate monuments and symbols. They’re also pushing for cities, counties and states to destroy or relocate statues dating back more than a hundred years.
Leftist activists justified criminal acts due to an outbreak of violence at an August rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, as white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and other groups battled in the street with “antifa” and counter-protesters.
The rally was held in response to the Charlottesville City Council’s plan to remove a statue of the Confederate General Robert E. Lee. James Fields, 20, who attended the pro-monument rally, killed one and injured 19 when he rammed his car into a gathering of counter-protesters, who then responded by smashing in the car’s windows with bats.
On Sept. 15, the University of Virginia Board of Visitors voted to remove plaques honoring the Confederacy, the Washington Post reported. They also voted to ban open flames after white supremacists participated in a torchlight march before August’s violent rally.
WND has compiled the following big list of America’s endangered monuments and symbols:
My comments: The LEFT Hates America as Founded, and the Confederate Symbols give them and excuse to begin their work of Tearing Down Everything American.

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