Friday, September 22, 2017


Satan Masquerades as an Angel of light,
As do his Surrogates, the Leaders of the World he Rules.

For Satan himself
Masquerades as and Angel of light,
So it is not surprising
If his Servants also Masquerade
As ministers of Righteousness.
[But] their End will correspond with their Deeds.
(2 Corinthians 11:13, 14, AMP)

Why do the Nations Assemble with Commotion
[Uproar and Confusion of voices],
And why do the people Imagine
(Meditate upon and devise) an Empty Scheme?

The kings of the Earth take their places;
The Rulers take Counsel together
Against the Lord and His Anointed One--
The Messiah, the Christ.
They say, [Acts 4:25-27.]

Let us Break Their Bands [of restraint] asunder,
And Cast Their Cords [of control] from us.

He Who sits in the Heavens laughs;
The Lord has them in Derision
[And in Supreme Contempt He Mocks them].

He speaks to them in His Deep Anger,
And Troubles (Terrifies and Confounds) them
In His Displeasure and Fury, saying,

Yet have I Anointed [installed and placed]
My King [firmly] on My Holy Hill of Zion.
(Psalm 2:1-6)

Today, the Nations are gathering together
With Uproar and Confusion,
Putting together their Empty Scheme
To Break Off the Restrictions
The Word of God places on them.
Yet God in Heaven laughs at them
In the Utter Futility of their Efforts.

Christ Jesus will soon be Enthroned
In Jerusalem on Mount Zion
And all the efforts of the Whole godless World
Will be brought to NOTHING.

As God has written,
So shall it be.

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