Saturday, September 2, 2017


Olympic Committee Buckles to LGBT Pressure With Rule Change

The liberal obsession with “equality” has just taken a very bizarre turn… and it could ironically make the next Olympics very unfair.
The International Olympic Committee has announced that the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in South Korea will not have any sex or gender standards for athletes, according to The Daily Caller.
That means that athletes can compete in any gender category they wish — which includes stronger and faster biological men  taking on women for Olympic medals.
“[T]here will be no regulations in place at the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 as we are still awaiting the resolution of the Dutee Chand case,” the committee stated in an email provided to The Daily Caller.
Dutee Chand is an Indian sprinter who was previously suspended from competitions due to her hyperandrogenism, a condition that gives her a testosterone advantage compared to other female competitors.
Another athlete who reportedly has the same condition is Caster Semenya, a middle distance runner from South Africa. She took gold at the 2016 Summer Olympics, but her very high testosterone levels made other female athletes question her eligibility.
“These kind of people should not run with us,” stated Italian runner Elisa Cusma, according to The New York Times. “For me, she is not a woman. She is a man.”
Science confirms what common sense already knows: Men have dramatically higher testosterone levels than women, and that gives them an advantage in many fast-paced athletic events.
“Testosterone, found in both men and women has been linked with increased muscle, bone mass, and competitive drive. The average male produces much more of it than the average female, roughly 35 nmol/L. Women usually produce less than 3 nmol/L,” explained The Daily Caller, citing U.S. National Library of Medicinestudies.
Experts from the International Association of Athletics Federations have stated that although some women do have higher testosterone levels than others, a healthy female still has nowhere near the average male levels.
“Sweden-based Professor Martin Ritzén, a specialist in pediatric endocrinology, testified on behalf of the IAAF and said the probability of a healthy woman reaching 10 nmol/L of testosterone was ‘zero,'” continued The Daily Caller.
In other words, the separation between male and female competitors in games like the Olympics is based on science, and allows women to be recognized for their athletic achievements while acknowledging the physical differences that exist.
However, intersex and transgender competitors may have testosterone levels that are much closer to normal male levels.
It isn’t that far-fetched to envision male athletes who are mediocre in their performance declare themselves “transgender” in order to enter and win women’s events.
That has already happened at the high school level. A runner named Andraya Yearwood was born a male, but recently competed and won as a girl at the Connecticut state track finals.
TheBlaze reported that the “trans identifying” Yearwood has left his… er, her… female competitors behind, and in tears.
In the name of “fairness,” the left seems intent on trampling over everyone who doesn’t participate in their social justice experiments. The basis of sport is a level playing field — but performance-enhancing testosterone being allowed in the name of “equality” tilts the competition in one direction.
Will even more women now be left behind by men who choose to identify as the opposite gender in order to win medals? If the next Olympics is any indication, the answer is yes.
My comments: We are watching the World go Completely Godless. That should tell every Christian where we are in God's time Frame. The Ultimate Godless ACT, is the Whole World, receives the Antichrist as their "god," and worships him. (Revelation 13)

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