Saturday, September 2, 2017


Hundreds of Pastors, Christian Leaders Take Side Against Bible

SEPTEMBER 01, 2017

Recently, 150 evangelical leaders signed a statement reaffirming the traditional Christian teaching on marriage. In this statement, they reasserted that man-woman marriage remains the biblical teaching, despite what the popular culture promotes. As is expected, they were bombarded with criticism. But what was perhaps less expected were the hundreds of Christian pastors, writers, and theologians who have joined the criticism.

In a counter-statement called "Christians United," over 1,000 religious leaders, pastors, writers, theologians, educators, and activists from most major Christian denominations in America claimed that counter-cultural gender identities and sexualities "reflect the magnitude of God's creative work," according to the Huffington Post.
Christians United strongly condemned the "Nashville Statement" written days earlier by a coalition of 150 evangelical leaders, which doubled down on the belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. The Nashville Statement also reaffirms that God created two distinct sexes, and that sex outside of heterosexual marriage is sinful. 
Among the men who signed the pro-LGBTQ Christians United statement was Brandan Robertson, a pastor and gay activist. According to Robertson, it is time that Christians hear from a different moral authority on queer identity. 
“Conservative evangelicals often get the most air time, polluting the image of Christianity as one that is exclusive, condemning, and archaic,” Robertson told the Huffington Post. “The reality is that there is a rapidly growing wave of Christians around the world that embrace an inclusive, unifying, healing message, and that’s what I had hoped to portray in this statement.”
According to, more than 1,000 Christians from around the world – including theologians and pastors – have signed the statement. They believe that the biblical teachings are "denying the dignity of [gay and] transgender people."
What do you think? Let us know in the comment section on our Facebook page. In breaking news, what this charity is doing with their Harvey donations will make you sick.
My comments: Those who are Against the Word of God are APOSTATES! It is the Apostasy that brings about the Revealing of the Antichrist. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)

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