Sunday, September 3, 2017


The Everliving Lover
Darlene Edmondson 

“In that day,” declares the Lord, “you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master’” (Hosea 2:16 NLT)

We know little about Hosea’s history. However, biblical scholars call him ‘Israel’s first Evangelist.' 

It must have seemed strange to Hosea when God instructs him to marry a prostitute named Gomer. Yet, Hosea obeyed. Over the years they had three children, the marriage crumbles, and Gomer backslides into the arms of a previous lover. 

Heartbroken by his wife’s unfaithfulness, Hosea identified with God’s grief over Israel’s sin of idolatry. And not merely one idol, but they worshipped numerous gods. Why would a Holy God forgive the degenerate Israelites?  More than that, how could He lavish love upon them?

“It is because of the Lord’s loving kindnesses that we are not consumed, His tender compassions never fail, they are new every morning. Great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness” (Lam 3:22-23).

A second time, God commands Hosea to pursue Gomer. Though an adulteress, God told him to protect and treasure her with delicate attentiveness. And a second time, Hosea obeyed. He began searching until he found her at a slave market. 

Either she had sold herself into debt, or was involved with a man who demanded money because Hosea had to buy her. After purchasing Gomer with fifteen silver coins, he took her home, wooing her with cords of kindness.  

What Hosea did for Gomer is an Old Testament picture of our Savior. 

Jesus showed us undeserved mercy and grace, purchasing us out of slavery, and now protects and treasures us. 

Daily, God’s gentle and powerful presence goes before us, shrouding our souls, shielding from devastation.  Like Hosea, we face heartaches, but we are never alone.

Father, Your love is everlasting with eternal arms underneath. 

May we nestle ever so close, knowing that we are loved and able to love because You first loved us. 

Contact Darlene

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