Thursday, September 21, 2017





'We have to have the courage to say something is wrong. This is insanity'

Greg Corombos
From the podium of the United Nations to domestic U.S. politics, socialist ideas are frequently discussed and, in many cases, appear to be advancing – 
and now a new book concludes that the far left, which has been on the march for a full century in this country, is now on the verge of victory.
President Trump took heat for denouncing the socialist regime in Venezuela during his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday and for pointing out socialism and communism result in poverty and misery whenever it is tried.
On the domestic side, in just the past few weeks, more than a dozen Senate Democrats have lined up in favor of single payer health care, meaning the government would be in complete control of one-sixth of the economy.
Charles Sasser, a veteran of the U.S. Army Special Forces, is a history teacher and a prolific author. His latest work is 
He told WND and Radio America that history is replete with examples of people being convinced to give up their rights for the supposed good of the larger community. He said collectivism still pushes the same message today.
“Collectivism means the collective is of more value than the individual. 
That’s been used by every tyrant ever. 
It’s always for the cause, for the people. You give up this freedom for this and this,” Sasser said.
“Throughout history, the individual has always devolved into the collective. 
That’s been the historical movement, from individualism to collectivism, and collectivism always ends in tyranny.”
To prove the rise of collectivism in our own society, Sasser said we only need to examine the widespread popularity of avowed socialist Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential race.
“He could have won it because so many of our young people have been indoctrinated into this idea that you can have free college. 
You can have everything free now,” Sasser said. 
“So, like pigs squealing at the trough, we’re all running for that trough to get whatever is thrown into the trough for us. As a result, we give up our independence.”
He said we’re already well down that road as a nation.
“We’re already socialist. Right now we have 47 percent of the people living off the government,” Sasser said. “When you’ve got that many people dependent, guess what? 
They continue to want more and more. You can hear them at the trough, demanding more and more.”
Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Charles Sasser: 
"Radio America: Charles Sasser and Corombos" 9/20
Sasser said it’s not just Sanders. He said Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are also clear that they embrace collectivism.
“Obama revealed one of his slogans at the 2012 Democratic convention. 
He said we belong to the government. 
That sounds fascist to me. 
It’s definitely collectivism,” Sasser said. 
“Hillary (said) deep-seated cultural codes and religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed. In other words, we have to condition the people to change it.”
He said the course America chooses to chart in the coming years is critical since most of the modern world, including western Europe, is already lost down the road to collectivism.
“Europe’s gone. It’s declined already. It’s on its way to collapse,” Sasser said. “And now the U.S. is collapsing. As a result of this, we’re no longer seen in the world as a stabilizing force.”
He continued: “So what happens? We’re not longer a stabilizing force. The world is going bonkers. Who’s going to stabilize it? Nobody. We’re in for some interesting times.”
Sasser refers to the Tytler cycle, a concept created by Scottish historian Alexander Tytler in the 1780s. The cycle suggests people in bondage turn to faith, which in turn leads to courage and then liberty. 
According to Tytler, liberty creates abundance, which then brings on complacency, apathy and dependence before resulting in bondage again.
He said America is frighteningly far along in that progression.
“Every society throughout history has gone through that same cycle and ended up in bondage,” Sasser said. 
“The average endurance of any empire has been about 200 years. We have exceeded that so far, but in Tytler’s liberty-tyranny cycle, we’re back to the stage of dependency.”
While there may be an historical process to observe, Sasser pointed out this erosion of the American experiment doesn’t just happen. 
He said a very organized and determined effort from the far left has been applying pressure for a full century, with the Frankfurt School in 1917.
He said a key tenet of the Frankfurt School was a “long march” to take over or destroy institutions, from education to the church to the family.
“You take over or destroy whatever stands in the way of socialism,” Sasser said. 
“Never mind that socialism has never worked, never throughout history has it worked, and it’s always ended up in tyranny. 
It’s just that we call it by different names, but it always ends the same way.”
The Frankfurt School emigrated to London and eventually to the U.S. Sasser said a key figure in the movement, a German professor named Herbert Marcuse who later taught at the University of California-Berkeley, pioneered the type of selective tolerance that’s become rampant on U.S. campuses today.
“He said to tolerate whatever ideas and movements the left does, but have intolerance for the right,” Sasser explained. “As a result of that, [they] just destroy everything and take it over in the march through the institutions.”
Sasser said many colleges now cater to keeping the students ignorant, ushering them away from learning history and economics and instead focusing them on gender and race studies.
However, he said opponents of the march to collectivism are fighting with their hands tied behind their backs due to the intimidation of political correctness.
“Did you know America now ranks 46th in the world when it comes to First Amendment rights of freedom of press and freedom of speech?” Sasser asked. “Forty-sixth in the world, somewhere near Albania. Primarily, it’s because of political correctness and self-censorship. 
We won’t speak out.”
He said the recent debate over the transgender movement is a prime example.
“Men are calling themselves women. Women call themselves men. We have 50 different genders now, and we’re not supposed to say something is absurd here?
“We don’t. We keep silent. We accept it,” Sasser said. 
“Once you tolerate something in the first generation, you accept it in the second generation, 
and then in the third generation you extol it and light up the White House in rainbow colors.”
He said winning the fight against collectivism is very difficult and may well end up being a losing cause, 
but those who want to preserve the best of America must stand up and have their voices heard as the push form the left gets more fierce.
“We have to have courage. 
We have to have the courage to say something is wrong. 
This is insanity. It is total insanity, 
and if we follow that over the cliff, then we all go over the cliff,” Sasser said.
“That’s what I try to do in this book, to lay it out in a cohesive order so people could understand where we came from, how we got here, what is occurring around us at this moment, and what it’s leading to, and what we can do is mainly speak out,” Sasser said.
My comments: It is only Faith in Christ Jesus and His Word that gives anyone the Power to Fight for what is Good and Right before the Living God. The question is, Do American Christians have that kind of Faith and are they willing to Fight for what is Good and against what is Evil, as defined by God and His Word.

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