Saturday, September 2, 2017


Max Lucado On Harvey: "Calamities And Catastrophes Must Occur" Before Christ Returns

Sep 01, 2017 by Will Maule - HELLO CHRISTIAN
Best-selling author and pastor Max Lucado has offered us his thoughts on the devastation that has engulfed the state of Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. What should our response be? "First and foremost, we pray. We pray for God to redirect the storm and alleviate the suffering," writes Lucado at his blog. 
But Lucado suggests that we should look more closely at such a monumental natural disaster, and seek to interpret it from a Biblical perspective. 
"Jesus criticized the leaders of his day for focusing on the weather and ignoring the signals: “You find it easy enough to forecast the weather—why can’t you read the signs of the times?” (Matthew 16:3 MSG)," highlights Lucado.
"What are we to learn from all of this? Is God sending us some reminders? I think so."
Max reminds us that "stuff doesn't last, Relationships do." 
That is so clear to see amidst the apocalyptic devastation of Harvey. People may have lost everything, but they are seeking to help each other and care for one another. "No one runs through the streets yelling, “My cordless drill is missing” or “My golf clubs have washed away.” 
If they mourn, it is for people lost. If they rejoice, it is for people found," he writes. 
Lucado also reminds us that this is a broken world, 
and that disaster is predicted before the return of Jesus Christ. 
"It is not to me to declare the day the Lord will return. 
But we know this much: it’s the beginning of the end and the beginning of new beginnings," he writes. 
"Calamities and catastrophes must occur before the birth of the new world. In the meantime- practice what they teach in Lamaze classes- take some deep breaths and hold the hand of the one who loves you."
"Jesus promised that bad things would occur. But they won’t occur forever."
My comments: It appears to me that we are in the "Birth Pains" that Chrsit Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24. Ahead is the Apostasy, Full Blown, and the Revealing of the Antichrist. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) Then follows God's Great Tribulation, for three and one-half years, that lays the Earth Bare. (Isaiah 24:1)

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