Thursday, August 31, 2017




Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains intriguing layout of your computer keyboard

I’ve gotten some good feedback on my definitions of the “alt-left” term I apparently invented a year ago yesterday.
One correspondent told me: “Your term ‘alt-left’ is expressive – there are many alternative ways to describe the evil of being not right. 
Whereas the term ‘alt-right’ is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, a lie – as there is only one right, and the alternative is always wrong. 
Meanwhile, the term ‘right’ as used by God applies to those who are in right relationship with Him by being in the process of continuously receiving the exceedingly good and great Gift of Righteousness (Romans 5:17). 
All who are not in that process of walking the narrow way (Matthew 7:13-14) are not ‘alt-right’; they are wrong, fatally and eternally wrong if they do not repent (Romans 11:22-23).”
Thought-provoking. And right.
I knew there was something that bothered me about the term “alt-right,” the very first time I heard it, which, you might remember, was from a conversation with a New York Times reporter determined to define it negatively and pin it on Donald Trump.
It had a visceral repulsion to me.
Why would anyone want to refer to himself or herself as “alt-right”? I’d never heard anyone use the term as ideologically self-descriptive. I instinctively knew it was coming from another direction. It turns out, the plan all along was to invent the term, define it in a hideous context – embracing white supremacy and fascism – and then use it against the enemies of the left and Hillary Clinton.
I’m convinced members of the press were easily lured into the final part of that equation – somewhat successfully, I might add.
Honestly, the right has never been associated with white supremacy or fascism. 
In America, only the Democratic Party of the two that remain was associated from the earliest days with white supremacy, a legacy the key cultural institutions – the schools, academia, the press and the entertainment industry – have aided the Dems in overcoming. 
The Republican Party was birthed to fight slavery, white supremacy and all unequal treatment of people based on their race. Some of its most active adherents paid a big price for their fervor, getting lynched, beaten and tortured for their efforts.
Fascism is a socialist concept – a Big Government, control-and-command ideology – while the right is about limited government, the rule of law rather than the rule of men, individual responsibility and personal freedom.
Now here’s another thought on this subject.
Take a look at your computer keyboard. Look to the bottom rung of keys and over to the left.
What do you see?
If you have a Microsoft keyboard, you probably see to the extreme left bottom an abbreviation for the word “control.” “Control” on any true ideological spectrum is on the left – be it communist, socialist, fascist. 
They are all left-wing ideas, and they all demand strict government control. That’s the common denominator, even though socialists have disputes with communists and communists have disputes with fascists. The common denominator is they are all of the left.
If you look past through that Microsoft flag next to the control key you will see the world “alt.” Both keys are neatly positioned on the left side of the keyboard and, ironically, on the bottom rung.
(If you have, as I do, an Apple keyboard, the “alt” key is appropriately called “command.”
So, one keyboard juxtaposes control and “alt,” and the other juxtaposes control and command.
What does that suggest? Maybe I misnamed the “alt-left.” Maybe a more accurate and comprehensible moniker would be “ctrl-left.” 
Because, ultimately, that is what the left is all about – control.
Just a thought. Any significance?

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