Saturday, July 29, 2017


Minutes Ago Trump STUNNED Every Muslim In The World With These Four Words

Trump sent a message to every single Muslim leader in the world. Does our President have balls or what? Trump told all 50 Muslim leaders in attendance at the Summit of Muslim World Leaders this. Minutes Ago Trump Walked Up Onstage And Surprised Every Muslim Leader With These Four Words. Wait till you see what happens at 1:30 minutes in….
Trump sent a message to every single Muslim leader in the world. Does our President have balls or what? Trump told all 50 Muslim leaders in attendance at the Summit of Muslim World Leaders this. Minutes Ago Trump Walked Up Onstage And Surprised Every Muslim Leader With These Four Words. Wait till you see what happens at 1:30 minutes in….
 That was an amazing speech. Trump delivered every single line with courage and honesty.

“Drive Out the Terrorists!… Drive Them Out! Drive Them Out!”

Image Source: Fox News
President Trump continued: “A better future is for you if you drive out the terrorists and drive out the extremists. Drive them out. Drive them out of your praises of worship. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land. And drive them out of this earth.”
This is a clear message to the Arab and Muslim world. They need to get rid of terrorism. If they want to be in the modern world, they need to get rid of violent extremism. It’s that simple. In order for modern society to thrive, it must do so without terrorism.
That’s what Trump just made clear. Share this right now if you are damn proud of your president.
Let’s make this go so viral that it makes history. Thanks for sharing, patriots.

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