Saturday, July 29, 2017


Rand Paul on Hannity about Obamacare Repeal: Republicans Have Forgotten, ‘This Is About Freedom’

Theresa Smith
 By Theresa Smith | July 27, 2017 | 2:11 PM EDT

Senator Rand Paul (Wikimedia Commons Photo/Gage Skidmore)
On his nationally syndicated radio talk show Wednesday, host Sean Hannity spoke with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who said that Republicans have forgotten that a repeal of Obamacare is “about freedom.”
“And I guess what disappoints me most about the Republicans who said they were for repeal, voted for it, and then no longer are, is that they’ve sort of forgotten -- they think this is about actuarial tables and insurance and all this stuff,” said Sen. Rand Paul. “No, this is about freedom.”
Below is the full transcript from Wednesday, July 26:
Hannity: “So when you look overall, I think that there’s gonna be a price to pay for Republicans that didn’t keep their promise. And there’s going to be a price to pay, I think, overall for the Republican party.
“There already is a feeling that, you know what, these people are useless. I mean, it’s nearly August now, and they’re working on health care. It’s kind of pathetic.
“Then we’ve got a middle class tax cuts to get to, and then we’ve got the president’s corporate tax rate, he wants at 15 percent. ANd then he wants, of course, repatriation on a low rate of multinational corporation, trillions of dollars parked overseas. Then he wants to fund the wall that he wants built. And none of these things have happened.
“Do you think, do you imagine all of those things will be difficult?”
Sen. Paul: “Probably.
“And I guess what disappoints me most about the Republicans who said they were for repeal, voted for it, and then no longer are, is that they’ve sort of forgotten -- they think this is about actuarial tables and insurance and all this stuff.
“No, this is about freedom. This is about whether we as Americans should be free to buy what kind of insurance we want, what’s best for us and our families.
“And it’s about whether the individual knows best or government knows best. Are we too stupid that President Obama has to tell us what kind of insurance? Does he think Americans are too dumb to make their own decisions? Are we going to give up our freedom and say to the government, ‘You decide what insurance I get and what it covers’?
“It’s a freedom issue. It really isn’t about actuarial tables. It isn’t about all the ins and outs.
“We have always taken care of those who are sick in our country. We have never, ever turned anyone away.
“I’m a physician. I’ve operated in hospitals for 25 years. I’ve never, ever seen anyone turned away who needed care.”

My comments: We Must understand that the Democrats are Not interested in Freedom. They want Government Mandated Control of Healthcare, like the other Socialist Countries, they want America to Emulate.

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