Friday, July 28, 2017


God Sees His People Through!

David Wilkerson
July 28, 2017
Songs of victory sung after victories are not true songs of faith. Why? Because our doubts are not dealt a deathblow by our experience in victory. 
You see, when we experience victorious deliverance, we have a temporary flush of thanksgiving. We are naturally joyful because our God has mercifully acted on our behalf despite our doubts. Yet, what happens to our doubts? They are merely submerged deeper into the heart.
Dear saint, the fact is that God has led you to your current situation. You may be surrounded by obstacles on all sides, with what seems like an enemy closing in. 
You may be saying, “Lord, You have led me faithfully all my life. But I don’t understand what I’m going through. The future looks so bleak.”
Right now we are living in a time of confusion and pandemonium such as the world has never seen. 
Satan is using fear to torment multitudes. 
In the very midst of this time our Lord is asking His people, “How will you deal with this? 
Are you going to believe My promises in spite of everything taking place around you? Will you trust Me in spite of your deepest fears?”
In order to do this, we must fix our minds on the Lord. 
“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You” (Isaiah 26:3). 
Our will has to be involved in this. No matter how unbelievably dark our situation becomes, something of faith has to rise up in us that says, 
“No, devil! No, world! I will trust in the One who has faithfully delivered me at all times.”
That is when perfect peace comes. It is supplied by the Lord Himself, who is pleased by our trust in Him. 

Then, as chaos reigns all around, our lives will speak the powerful message of His joy. He has given us a song to sing to the world: 

“The Lord is faithful. He sees His people through!”
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