Saturday, June 3, 2017


CHILL OUT: After All The Green People Attacked Him, Trump Unveiled This HUGE Fact And Smiled!

The media, and certain celebrities, like Michael Moore, are losing their minds about Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.
Michael Moore actually said this on his Facebook page yesterday:
Seriously?  Can we all just take a breath (Mr. Moore) and get the facts, rather than act on mass hysteria?
According to the Wall Street Journal, “actual U.S. greenhouse gas emissions may not be too different from what they might have been under a Hillary Clinton administration, though probably not what were pledged under former President Barack Obama. Market forces, such as cheap natural gas, will have a bigger effect on greenhouse gas emissions than the agreement would have.” (emphasis added)
The Wall Street Journal went on to explain that green house gas emissions will change under President Trump’s policies less than expected (or as the media is portraying) and that they are affected more by things that are “out of any president’s control” including “slower economic growth following the financial crisis, the shale gas revolution that has replaced a third of coal use and shifting driving habits.”
Seriously, within seconds of President Trump’s announcement that the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris Accord, the media went absolutely insane.  This was followed by social media hysteria, from people who, most likely, have no “earthly” (get the pun?) idea what is even in the Paris Accord or how it might affect them.
President Trump cares about the environment.  But not to the detriment of the country he was elected to lead.  He wants to keep Planet Earth healthy for future generations, but would only do so where it’s fair to the United States.
Here’s what Fox reported this morning:

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