Friday, June 2, 2017


One of the most rewarding things I get to witness as a pastor is when people commit their life to Christ.
I've seen it time and time again and through large-scale outreaches like Harvest America, lives are changed drastically because of the gospel.

From darkness to light
From death to life
From Hell to Heaven

People shift from being enemies of God to friends of God. For example, listen to what a man named Randy told us about his experience at a Harvest outreach:
"For so many years, I was very angry with Jesus. I hated him. Anytime anyone would talk about Jesus, I would get angry. My son died at the age of four. My wife died of cancer. I couldn't understand how this so-called God could take away the two people in my life who meant so much to me. It took me many years to forgive God, and it took me even longer to ask for His forgiveness. On August 12 [at a Harvest event], I asked God to come into my life. I know that the two people I loved so much are with our Father in heaven and that gives me comfort, and a sense of joy, and happiness. Thank you God, my Lord."
The impact of an event like Harvest America is not only drastic—it is eternal! I can't think of a better way to invest our earthly means than in storing up treasure in Heaven. And that treasure takes the form of changed lives.

Tom, over the years, 489,345 people have said yes to Jesus at Harvest outreach events. Because believers who care about the gospel—normal people like you and me—chose to invest in the work of evangelism, thousands of lives are now changed for the better.

We have another opportunity coming up to make an investment that will have guaranteed returns in eternity: Harvest America 2017. We are expectant that God will change more lives than ever at this event.

As Harvest America approaches, we've set a goal to raise $200,000 to cover the costs associated with this huge event.
This is why I am emailing you today. As a person who is committed to helping people know God and make Him known, will you help us meet that goal so that we can do the very best job possible of proclaiming the gospel nationwide?

All over the country, hearts will be moved and people will make a stand for Jesus on June 11. I can't wait to see what the Lord will do, and I feel privileged to be a part of it. I invite you to be a part as well by giving a donation towards making Harvest America a success.

It's mind-blowing to think that someday in Heaven, you could be personally thanked by someone like Randy because of the part you played in this outreach.
Here is the link where you can give:

In thanks for your donation to Harvest America, I'd like to send you a copy of my new book about how actor Steve McQueen came to know Christ. McQueen was a guy who had everything this world has to offer, but was still searching for ultimate satisfaction, which he finally found in a relationship with Jesus. The book is called Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon (and it would make a great Father's Day gift, by the way). It's just a small way I can thank you for your generous gift to Harvest America during this critical time.

Thank you for being part of the Harvest family and I hope you will help us meet our $200,000 goal by June 11—just a few weeks away!

In Christ,

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