Monday, June 26, 2017


His Word
CD Swanson

Psalm 108:12 – “Give us help from trouble, for the help of man is useless.” 

Where do we go first when trouble hits?  Do we rush to secure help from family or friends? Or do we take our problems and go directly to the Lord to ask Him for the help we need?

Psalm 109:4 – “In return for my love they are my accusers, but I give myself to prayer.”

When someone betrays us, or turns against us, God instructs us not to seek revenge, but to seek His face in prayer.  He knows how to best deal with any given situation, and we need to hear from Him.

Only God has all the answers. He knows our DNA, our likes, dislikes, our very thoughts and knows our hearts.  He created our soul, He is our Father.  He is our Creator, and through Him all things are possible. He is our bridge that suspends us from the turbulent waters, and He is the shield from the storm.

The most quoted Old Testament passage in the New Testament is Psalm 110:1: The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” The Lord Jesus Christ used it in Matthew 22:41-46.  It held significance then, as it does now.  

His word never grows old or outdated like a milk container, nor expires with the passing of time.  It’s constant and stands today as it did then, and always shall.  His Word is filled with promises, guidance and it’s His love letter to us. His promises are the reward for His faithful followers.

For those who are lacking this type of relationship with God, my advice is, get to know His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Open His book and become acquainted with our LORD; you’ll never be the same …Now, the only question is, “what are you waiting for?”

Contact CD and find more of her articles and books HERE.

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