Saturday, June 24, 2017


But You Do Have to Love Them
Sim Lee 

"If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men." Romans 12:18 KJV

What an experience it is to look across a crowd of folks as they are coming into the church, with a few dressed in fine attire and most in clothes that are more casual than their attitudes. You see Moms trying to keep their little ones gathered and orderly and dads softly saying their weekly "hello" to the old couple behind them. You also see some who are never brave enough to say hello to anyone. 

For the most part, kindness and smiles are seen extended to friends and strangers.

In silence, you ask yourself: "So this is the Body of Christ, my spiritual companions for eternity?"

Maybe you feel comfortable like you have known them forever, or maybe you do not presently enjoy their company. 

While it is better to like them than not, we are all called to love our brothers and sisters in Christ as Jesus loves us. Remember, Jesus loved the world and died for us while we were still sinners, enemies of God. 

The answer to our question is as timeless as our Savior's existence. 

Yes, these are those who the Lord has gathered unto himself for an inheritance. 

The same Spirit of Adoption that sealed you as a child of God has brought them in as well. Each of us bought with the blood of our Lord Jesus. 

Ours is not to cull the Body of Christ but to serve the building of it, and there is no higher honor than the commission do so. 

The key to living in peace and loving others is found in focusing on Jesus finished work and undying love for us, while treating others the same way we desire to be treated. 

Love for one another is how others will see our faith.

Whatsoever you do today to build up the Body of Christ will truly echo into eternity.

Sim Lee is a retired NE Iowan who loves all of God's creatures, even mosquitoes. Contact 

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