Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Tuesday Afternoon:

It is shocking what the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is getting away with.

And now they are after one of their biggest "prizes" -- they want to destroy Liberty Counsel and discredit me personally through this new, threatening lawsuit.
A recent expos
é on the SPLC revealed some startling facts and then concluded that the organization is a "massively funded propaganda machine." The report confirmed that the SPLC has an enormous war chest of funds in reserves -- funds they can use to tar and feather anyone who opposes the LGBTQ agenda:

"In 2015 [the SPLC] vacuumed up $50 million in contributions and foundation grants, a tidy addition to its $334 million holdings of cash and securities and its headquarters worth $34 million."

+ + The SPLC's "tar and feather" strategy...
I've been sharing with you about Liberty Counsel's legal battle against the LGBTQ-driven lawsuit that is backed by the SPLC. We have never faced a legal attack quite like this -- one that is clearly designed to damage or destroy Liberty Counsel and even remove me from the legal battle for our families and religious liberties.

I want you to fully understand how the SPLC works to attack its opponents. The center of their strategy is the SPLC's published list of "hate groups" which is still viewed as authoritative for many in the liberal media. Liberty Counsel is currently listed by SPLC as a "hate group" (alongside several KKK, nazi and skinhead organizations). 
Help us fight this SPLC-backed attack.
The SPLC then pushes the media to use its labeling whenever the group is mentioned. Recently, one website posted a strong criticism of the Associated Press because the AP "failed to identify Liberty Counsel as a hate group."

The SPLC bankrolls a massive campaign to destroy groups like Liberty Counsel through this "tar and feather" media strategy. But the SPLC's attack on Liberty Counsel has now gone even further.

The SPLC wants to destroy Liberty Counsel and me personally in court as well!

That's why I simply must fight back -- so Liberty Counsel can defend citizens across the country who dare to stand up to the LGBTQ agenda which is totally intolerant to people of faith who stand for family and biblical values.

A few days ago, I shared with you about our urgent need for an influx of $50,000 this month for our "war chest" over and above our projected budget. As of this morning, we were about half way to that important goal, but that means we still urgently need an OUTPOURING of support in the next week to reach our goal.

Can I count on you at this critical time?

Will you prayerfully consider standing with me by making a tax-deductible gift to help Save Liberty as we stand for faith and freedom in our land? Please go here now:


As I write, key members of Liberty Counsel's legal team are pushing to finalize the draft of our extremely important Legal Memorandum to the court in response to this SPLC-backed attack on us. This has proven to be a grueling process, consuming countless hours of legal resources. But it must be done, and at the same time, I must keep Liberty Counsel lawyers fighting other crucial battles for faith, family, life and liberty.

That's why it is so critical that we meet this "stretch" goal of $50,000 over and above our projected budget this month. But I cannot meet this goal without friends like you going the "extra mile" with me.

Can I count on your support? Even if you helped already, please prayerfully consider making another gift by going here. As always, your contribution is tax-deductible.

Thank you in advance, and may God richly bless you!

Mat Staver

P.S. The SPLC's "massively funded propaganda machine" is out to destroy Liberty Counsel. That's why I'm counting on an OUTPOURING OF SUPPORT from friends like you to make our stretch goal of $50,000 above our projected budget this month. As of this morning, we were half way to that goal -- but we have just eight days left in the month.  Go here to make your gift today by check or credit card:

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