Thursday, May 25, 2017


 - The Washington Times - Thursday, May 25, 2017
Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly told Congress Thursday that the world should expect more attacks along the lines of the Manchester bombing this week that involved a British-born man connected to the Islamic State.
“As horrible as Manchester was, my expectation is we’re going to see a lot more of that type of attack,” Mr. Kelly told the Senate as he defended President Trump’s new budget, which cuts some anti-terror grant funding for localities.
The secretary, a former Marine general, said persons who have been radicalized and went to join the fight in Iraq and Syria have been told by Islamic State leaders not to die defending the caliphate there, but instead return to sow chaos at home.
Responding to complaints that the new Trump budget cuts funds, Mr. Kelly said every part of the U.S. is a potential target, and there isn’t enough money to go around.
My comments: When you Refuse to acknowledge the Inherent Evil of Islam you render your Nation DEFENSELESS, and there will never be enough money to stop the Slaughter. That is where Europe and America stand today. The Number one Function of Government is to Protect its Citizens and America and Europe REFUSE to fulfill this function.

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