Protection of slacker government employees needs to stop! VA employees are government “union” workers who are protected if they choose to watch porn while a Veteran in need sits in front of them hoping he will get some help! When caught not doing their job, they are given 30 days to appeal and we all know it is virtually impossible to fire them.
In my wildest imagination, I cannot fathom what reason would justify this pathetic behavior on the job. What a punk!
Our Veterans have been abused enough by the VA system. I am so very thankful to the hard working folks at Concerned Veterans for America for walking the halls of Congress trying to make sure their Brothers are treated with the best care. They need our help to back them up!
Please make some calls today to your Congressmen and Senators and let them know that we the people are fed up with inept employees at the VA who would even think they can spend their time, in front of a Veteran, watching porn!! This is outrageous.
Once again, the Democrats are up to their necks in defending the indefensible. They don’t like the aggressiveness of the bill! Really??!! So they want to protect the porn watchers who have everything to do with the delays our
Veterans suffer in getting the care we promised them! They are obstructing Secy Shulkin’s ability to FIRE these lazy disgusting bums. Their is no excuse and there should be no protection for lowlifes working at the VA who have no idea they are employed by the VA to provide excellent service and care to the Heroes of this nation.
President Trump is on board, please make some calls and help Secy Shulkin get this problem corrected before next October! Call your Democrat Senators and ask them why in the world they would hold up a bill that would enable the VA to fire porn watchers who think it’s okay to watch their porn in front of a Veteran! Let them hear your outrage! They heard us in November and for the sake of our honorable Veterans, they need to hear from us again!
Thank You
Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers
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