Sunday, April 30, 2017


Sharia Law Is Dead And Gone

Former president Barack Obama and his Democrats wanted us to believe that Muslims are good and kind, that they’re just a bunch of unfortunate people forced to leave their homelands. Obama wanted you to think that these poor people are just here to assimilate and leave the American dream. 
No, they don’t want to live the American dream, but take it. Most Muslims come to this country to shoot and run over innocent people just because they want.
America went through hell during Obama’s presidency, because the former president didn’t fight against terrorists. Moreover, he armed them. Have you ever seen Obama do anything to blast terrorists? No, he supported Muslims and gave them more rights than Americans will ever have.
Now Muslims are trying to plant their Sharia law in every institution across the country. Is this what Obama referred to when he said that “Muslims are here to assimilate?”
This law is the most terrible of them all. 
According to this law, you can get killed for being a gay, and rape victims can’t do anything to punish rapists. Can you believe this? President Donald Trump will never allow anything like this, and he was clear about this during his presidential campaign.
The good news is that the House passed a new bill that bans “the application of foreign law.” Democrats and Muslims aren’t quite happy about it, and they complain that the new bill only targets Muslims, and approves xenophobia and racism. Really?
“We’ve heard a lot of discussions about this being a religious law and specifically directed at preventing Sharia law and I just don’t read it that way,” explained Republican Theresa Hamilton.
Sandy Montgomery had a similar opinion. “We have allowed legal immigrants, illegal immigrants and now refugees to take advantage of our law and culture to take up their own agendas. 
They have no intention to abide by our laws, nor are they interested in assimilating to our culture,” she said.
What do you think about this bill? Will Muslims protest again?
My comments: Muslims are still pouring into this Country. And wherever they go there will be Terrorism and Trouble. Until the U.S. acknowledges that Islam is Inherently Evil and forbids their coming here, little will have been accomplished. Like in Europe, they will create their No Go Zones, where they Congregate, and the Battle will continue. 

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