Saturday, April 29, 2017


Baby feet



Exclusive: Joseph Farah tells of divine healing experiences he's had with feet

Do miracles still happen in today’s world?
I guess I always believed they did.
I’ve witnessed many miracles in my life before – irreparably damaged relationships restored, impossible business challenges met, those kinds of things.
They were stories I could share with close friends, but they weren’t necessarily the kinds of stories I could shout from the rooftops.
I’ve heard of many miraculous healings resulting from prayer. I’ve seen people’s hearts changed as a result of being touched by God. I knew the power of God was still working in our world today, but it has never hit home for me like it did April 30, 2005 – and again, much more recently.
As background, I have to tell you that before this date 12 years ago, I had been suffering from a degenerative bone condition in my feet for about 15 years. I had seen many doctors and several specialists. The X-rays of my feet showed bones in critical joints reduced virtually to dust. Some doctors wondered how I could walk at all.
I could walk, but always with pain. In fact, I had experienced pain, ranging from bearable to excruciating for most of those 15 years.
Several surgeons and podiatrists recommended surgery that would lay me up or keep me on crutches, unable to drive, for six months.
Since I didn’t foresee a time when I wouldn’t need to travel for six months and because it would have guaranteed less mobility in my feet permanently, the surgery was always put off.
I’m glad it was.
Because, on April 30, 2005, my wife prayed for me to be relieved of that pain.
I had prayed for many other people. I’ had even prayed for my business many times – unselfconsciously because it affected so many other people. But I had never prayed for a healing of my pain. I just always felt that it was something I could live with – and there were so many others with much worse conditions.
So, Elizabeth and I prayed together for healing – she out loud, me silently. I figured it would be the first of many such prayers over a long period of time – maybe years, decades.
What happened instantly, spontaneously, was a shocker.
Within minutes, I felt a warm feeling in my feet. They felt like they were being embraced in heavenly hands. There was almost an electrical feeling in my broken joints. It was a good feeling, but mysterious.
Was something happening?
Was it just an emotional reaction?
I wasn’t sure.
After the prayer, I got up. There was no pain in my feet. That was unusual. But I couldn’t be sure. There was also mobility in my joints that I didn’t have at any other time in the previous 15 years except when I was shot up with painkillers by doctors. Maybe it was an adrenaline rush.
But by the next morning, it was clear to me that something miraculous had happened.
The pain was gone. I could walk freely – even bounce around – on my new feet.
I share this personal story with you today for several reasons:
I believe God did this in answer to prayer. It has strengthened my faith these last 12 years, and I want the story to strengthen yours.
There’s more – if that weren’t enough.

Last year, I was speaking at a conference and a man about my age came to talk to me between sessions. After some chit-chat, he told me he was suffering from a lot of pain. I noticed he was wearing sandals over socks. It was cold out. It was not the foot attire one would expect to see in a cold, damp climate where the conference was being held.
When he told me about his pain, it reminded me of my own pain. So I asked him what kind of pain he was feeling and what the doctors told him.
He told me it was a neurological condition but that much of the pain was in the feet – thus the sandals. While it was not the same condition I experienced, I knew I served an awesome God who could handle any malady plaguing one of His creatures.
I asked the man if he would like me to pray for him like my wife prayed for me.
He said yes.
I put my hands on him and asked God to work a miracle.
Unlike me, he didn’t show any signs of feeling immediate relief. I told him I would keep praying for him and that he should seek prayer from his wife and others. He thanked me and we said goodnight.
The next morning, I saw him at breakfast time. He came bounding up to me with a smile on his face. He told me he had not experienced any pain since we prayed.
He was still wearing his sandals because they were the only foot attire he had brought with him on the trip – apparently not expecting a miracle.
Maybe we should have more expectancy about miracles. Maybe we should have more faith.

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