Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Never Alone
Jennifer Woodley 

‘Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.’ John 16:32  

There are times when we can feel very lonely, even when surrounded by friends or family. Often, they are hurtful, isolating times, when the people we value the most are not able or willing to offer what we need - even when they are physically close. They may be so caught up in their own affairs that we hardly feel noticed. 

Before we entertain feelings of rejection or self-pity or begin to harbor thoughts that will drive a wedge of separation into our close relationships, remember the words of Christ. 

We may feel lonely, but we are not alone. Our Heavenly Father, who loves us dearly, is with us. In Christ’s darkest hours, His Father was with Him. In our dark, despairing moments He is with us too. 

Christ tells us these words so that peace and joy, rather than rejection and sadness may fill our hearts. I am never alone. You are never alone. Our loving Heavenly Father is with us, even when others are not. Let’s turn our thoughts to Him, acknowledge His presence in our situation and let His peace fill our aching hearts. 

Jennifer lives on the Darling Downs with her family. She enjoys encouraging others on the Christian journey through writing and mentoring. Contact 

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