Tuesday, March 21, 2017





Communities called out by name for refusing to protect U.S. from criminal illegals

Bob Unruh
The federal government has revealed that the liberals in Boulder County, Colorado, released three illegal aliens with assault convictions, one burglar and two with drug convictions rather than turn them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for removal from the country.
The details are in the Department of Homeland Security’s “Weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Report,” posted by the agency on President Trump’s instructions.
Department officials identified dozens of sanctuary cities across the U.S. that refused to turn over to ICE illegal aliens with criminal allegations or convictions.
For the period Jan. 28 through Feb. 3, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said there were 206 illegals whom sanctuaries refused to turn over.
There was a convicted arsonist protected by Los Angeles and a murder suspect protected in Philadelphia.
The allegations or convictions ran the range from domestic violence, drunken driving, drug offenses and sexual or aggravated assaults to rape and indecent exposure.
The reporting is part of a new effort by Trump to crack down on illegals in the United States. The president has suggested that stripping federal funding from communities that refuse to follow federal law may be in the works.
A Justice Department document already outlines authority to halt at least three federal grant programs under such circumstances.
Federal officials said the report was ordered under Trump’s executive order “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States,” signed Jan. 25.
It is to be issued weekly to “highlight jurisdictions that choose not to cooperate with ICE detainers or requests for notification, therefore potentially endangering Americans.”
“ICE places detainers on aliens who have been arrested on local criminal charges or who are in local custody and for whom ICE possesses probable cause to believe that they are removable from the United States, so that ICE can take custody of the alien when he or she is released from local custody.”
Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan said that when “law enforcement agencies fail to honor immigration detainers and release serious criminal offenders, it undermines ICE’s ability to protect the public safety and carry out its mission.”
“Our goal is to build cooperative, respectful relationships with our law enforcement partners. We will continue collaborating with them to help ensure that illegal aliens who may pose a threat to our communities are not released onto the streets to potentially harm individuals living within our communities.”
A detainer requests notification, ideally 48 hours, “before a removable alien is released from criminal custody and then briefly maintain custody of the alien for up to 48 hours to allow DHS to assume custody for removal purposes.”
The department said that when LEAs “fail to honor immigration detainers or requests for notification and release serious criminal offenders, it undermines ICE’s ability to protect public safety and carry out its mission.”
In some cases, the numbers may not be accurate because of the high level of protection local officials provide to illegals, the report said.
“In uncooperative jurisdictions like Cook County, Illinois, and the City of Philadelphia, ICE is barred from interviewing arrestees in local custody. Therefore, in these communities a large number of criminals who have yet to be encountered by ICE are arrested by local authorities and released in these communities without any notification to ICE,” the report said.
The report said the locations with the highest volume of ignored detainers issued were Clark County, Nevada, with 51; Nassau County New York, with 38; and Cook County, Illinois, with 13.
Los Angeles protected those convicted of assault and domestic violence. Sacramento took on the cause of one man convicted of cruelty to his wife, and several Colorado agencies protected a forger, several drunken drivers and one person accused of ignoring the U.S. court system. Marion County, Oregon, and Bastrop, Texas, each protected one person convicted of indecent exposure.
Travis, Texas, took up the cause of a suspect in aggravated assault, as well as several convicted of resisting an officer.
WND reported Ann Corcoran, editor of Refguee Resettlement Watch, suggesting federal funds should be cut from sanctuary cities.
“Instead, Congress is entangled in one major mess over Obamacare. And, frankly, although important, repeal of Obamacare did not motivate voters to support Trump in the way immigration restriction did,” said Corcoran.
There are at least 300 sanctuary cities and counties, and one new study puts the number at closer to 500.
Steve Salvi, founder of Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC, has been tracking sanctuary cities for a decade. He says at least 40 cities and counties have declared themselves sanctuaries since Trump issued his executive order Jan. 27.
“The trend is, I think, until he actually starts putting the squeeze to them, I suspect I’ll be adding more to the list every week,” Salvi told Lifezette. “The bigger cities are doubling down, and it’s really become a hot political issue. It’s really about the next election.”
But Salvi uses a different set of criteria to define a sanctuary city from that used by the Center for Immigration Studies, which stands by its late 2016 estimate of 300.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/trump-releases-big-list-to-shame-sanctuary-cities/#h5bTycxB6IEueBlL.99

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