Tuesday, February 28, 2017


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Resettlement agencies not so compassionate, says author

Paul Bremmer
Good Christians must welcome into their country anyone fleeing persecution and violence, even if they come from terror-producing countries.
That was the sentiment expressed by more than 500 evangelical pastors and ministry leaders from across the U.S. in an open letter to President Trump and Vice President Pence earlier this month.
But the letter was the “height of absurdity,” according to WND writer and editor Leo Hohmann, who has extensively researched and reported on the U.S. refugee resettlement program.
“What they’re saying is that, in order to be compassionate and to be Christian, we must permanently resettle tens of thousands of Muslim refugees from the Third World into over 300 U.S. cities and towns,” Hohmann told host Jan Markell on Saturday’s episode of “Understanding the Times Radio.” 
“That’s a straw man argument, and I’ll tell you why: We could be doing more for these people by reaching out to them where they are than by bringing a few of them here.”
Hohmann pointed to a study by the Center for Immigration Studies that estimated it costs 12 times as much to resettle one Middle Eastern refugee in the U.S. as it does to care for one refugee in a neighboring Middle Eastern country. He noted the Syrian civil war has displaced about 5 million people, but the United Nations has only marked 350,000 of them (7 percent) to be resettled in Western democracies.
Therefore, bringing roughly 40,000 Middle Eastern refugees to the U.S. every year is not the most compassionate way to help them.
“I’m not saying we shouldn’t be compassionate,” Hohmann said. “My argument is permanently resettling these people in Western societies where they don’t fit and don’t want to assimilate is not the answer.”
The pastors’ letter came in response to Trump’s executive order temporarily suspending the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. The letter was coordinated by World Relief, a global Christian humanitarian organization that is one of nine voluntary agencies authorized by the State Department to resettle refugees in America. In fact, Hohmann said six of the nine resettlement agencies are affiliated with religious denominations; however, he warned their motives are not entirely benign.
“These organizations present themselves as strictly humanitarian in nature – charitable, humanitarian, nonprofit, do-gooding operations,” he said. “What’s not to like about that? Well, when they come into your community and start explaining why accepting refugees is going to be such a good thing and good for your community, and when they’re quoted in the local newspapers, it’s never pointed out that these are the exact same organizations that are profiting from the resettlement of refugees.”
Hohmann, author of “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and the Resettlement Jihad,” explained the resettlement agencies get paid more than $2,000 for each refugee they resettle in the United States. The federal government also pays these agencies to collect travel loans from the refugees, and what’s more, the agencies receive federal grants to offer services to the refugees once they arrive in the United States.
Not only do the resettlement agencies have a financial incentive to resettle as many refugees as possible, but they are not even allowed to share the gospel with the refugees they bring in. Hohmann said they must sign a contract agreeing not to proselytize.
“This just sort of adds, in my opinion, to the lack of assimilation that the Muslim refugees in particular are failing to accomplish,” he said. “They’re living in enclaves in places like Minneapolis and Columbus, Ohio, and Seattle and Atlanta and San Diego, and they’re not getting out and assimilating with the rest of our country and being exposed to anything but their own narrow Islamic culture.”
When co-host Eric Barger asked Hohmann if he could think of any instance in history when Muslim immigrants truly assimilated in mass into a Western setting, Hohmann replied he could think of none.
He noted Muslims have failed to assimilate into Sweden, turning the once-peaceful Scandinavian country into a crime-riddled state. Furthermore, he pointed out Germany has actually tried to get its native population to conform to the sensibilities of the Muslims who have migrated there.
“Women are being told to cover up when they go out in public, because you’ll just be stimulating some of the demons within the migrants that have flooded into that country,” he mused.
Hohmann said so many European countries are rolling over for Islam because Christianity is not nearly as strong as it once was on the continent.
“The Christian church in Europe, post-World War II, became very lukewarm, to say the least, to the point where Europe basically became a post-Christian society, and that just opened the door for Islam,” he said.
Hohmann explained the lax immigration policies many European countries adopted made it easy for Muslims to rush in and fill the gaps, not only in the economy, but also in native populations that had embraced abortion, rejected marriage and failed to reproduce.
“In an environment like that, that does not desire to sustain itself or defend its culture, it’s perfect for Islam to rush in and fill that vacuum, and that is what I see happening in America now,” he warned.
“Fewer people, according to Pew Research and other major polls, believe in God in America than ever before. Still much stronger than Europe, our faith, culture, but it is flipping and it is flipping fast.”
Hohmann blames Islam’s advance partly on a “lack of truth” coming from Christian pastors in America.
“As you know, we’ve had an awakening of the global Islamic movement since 9/11 and even before that – some people believe it started with the Iranian Revolution in 1979, and it’s just been picking up steam ever since then,” he said.
“Yet you have the Christian church in these Western democracies in Europe and America not teaching their flock about what is Islam. What does it believe? Who do they believe that Jesus is? Did he die on a cross? Is he the Son of God?”
Hohmann believes churches hold the key to stopping the “stealth invasion” of Islam that he wrote about.
“The solution, Jan, as you know as well as I do, is a strong Christianity,” Hohmann told Markell. “If we have strong churches and a strong Christianity, that is the best antidote to a rising Islam in any culture. 
Islam looks for weak Christianity, and it rushes in to fill the void.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/02/u-s-pastors-push-for-refugees-called-height-of-absurdity/#qboFvEFEGDY8dKjc.99

My comments: The American Church's FAILURE to speak out agaist the False Religion of Islam, that is having such a Dramatic Negative Effect on this Nation, is an Abandonment of Faith in Christ Jesus--It is sharing in the Wicked Work of Islam. (2 John 8-11) 

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