Saturday, February 4, 2017




Mario Murillo Ministries
“A former Defense Department official under the Obama administration has raised the specter of a military coup to remove President Donald Trump from power.   In an editorial penned for Foreign Policy, senior Pentagon policy official Rosa Brooks publicly suggested a military insurrection against the Trump administration may be the only option to oust one of the most divisive presidents in American history.
“Donald Trump’s first week as president has made it all too clear: Yes, he is as crazy as everyone feared,” Ms. Brooks wrote. “[One] possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”
For the first time in her career in public service, including three years as senior counselor to the Pentagon’s policy chief from 2009 to 2011, “I can imagine plausible scenarios in which senior military officials might simply tell the president: ‘No, sir. We’re not doing that.’” -Carlo Muñoz – The Washington Times – Thursday, February 2, 2017
In my vigilant effort to keep you informed—not with hysteria or extremism but facts—I submit this crucial information to you.  We are witnessing a joint effort by the left to overrule your vote and topple our government.
The riots are not by accident.  The incessant railings from Movie Stars, Pop Stars are scripted for maximum impact.  We are watching a concerted effort to take down of the Constitution of the United States.
Anarchy is a part of the plan.  Democrats staying away from committee meetings to stop Trump appointments is part of the plan.  Placing operatives to leak information from the White House are a part of the plan.
Even the Super Bowl is not safe…Lady Gaga will use her half time performance at the Super Bowl to rail against our values, against you, me, and our newly elected president.
Look for rioters to take to the streets—burning and looting their way across America—with the tacit approval of the Democratic Party.  In the name of equality, they will go after our rights.  In the name of justice, they will practice total lawlessness.
How poignant is it that the rioters in Berkeley who snuffed out free speech were holding signs that said “Hate free Zone?”   They also did something prophetic: They screamed against fascism by practicing fascism.  No one can verify the origin of this statement but it certainly fits the current situation: “The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.”  (For some reason the left truly hates that quote and tries to call it right wing extremism).
The left understands that if the Supreme Court is balanced by Conservatives, the left will lose power for at least a generation.  Their goal is clear: Discredit Trump and force their way to power.
If ever you prayed for our president, pray for him now.  Think of this…there have been 12,000 tweets in the last 24 hours calling for his assassination.   How is that possible without advance planning?
What I am about to say will never appear in a Christian Magazine.  You will never hear this in a mega Church pulpit.  I will—once again—be accused of abandoning my calling.   Many leaders will totally shy away from the words I am about to speak:
It has only been days since God granted a reprieve from certain destruction and already pastors have fallen back into passivity and lukewarm ministry.  
Never forget, it was the people in the pew that put Trump in office.  
This movement was not led by a majority of pastors.  
Most sat it out and only complimented Trump only after they saw the ground swell of support.  
Now that the heat is on, they are scurrying back to their safe place.
We are faced with the greatest threat to freedom of our lifetime.  How will we explain to our children and grandchildren—who will live under this tyranny—that we did nothing?
So, who am I to say anything?  I am not the famous leader of a denomination or a Christian movement.  I am just a simple man with a simple voice.
Unlike some of your favorites, I am a preacher beholden to no one but Jesus.  I do not have the clout of others, but I do have the courage.   
It is time for Christian leaders to condemn this anarchy with one voice.   
It is time for true awakening.  It is time for reformation. 
It is time for the Word of God to be loudly and majestically declared to a sick and confused generation.
My comments: AMEN. This will be a Test to see how Obamaized the U.S. Military is. 

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