Thursday, February 2, 2017


nigel farage

Nigel Farage Blasts Corrupt, Childish EU Parliament Bashing President Trump

British MP, former UKIP leader and the man most responsible for the success of Brexit, Nigel Farage, addressed the hostile European Parliament on Wednesday. They were engaged in Trump bashing over the executive order declaring a travel ban from terrorist exporting nations. Like the rest of the leftists, including the mainstream propagandists in the media, Democrat politicians, terrorist enablers, CAIR and the ACLU, the globalists of the EU falsely claim that it is a Muslim ban.
Farage, a master of biting sarcasm and foe of bureaucratic hypocrisy, explains what they witnessed and were unfamiliar with to the pro-EU, self-serving political hacks. Donald Trump is true to his words, the promises he made during the campaign are being kept. Farage knows that is a difficult concept for them, so he does his best to clarify.
He says, “Unlike the system we have in the European Union, where the unelected commissioners, like Mogherini here, have the sole right to propose legislation. So I’m sure that it’s a great shock to you, to see that a genuinely elected democrat [not a political party] is doing what he was put in to do. And it must be, I would think today in Washington…” Farage is instructed to put his headphones on, big brother has a message for him. He’s told to be nice, out of respect for the Parliament, the Commission and the Commission’s President, [Donald Tusk], “we need to be nice.”
Farage had an appropriate response, saying, “and out of institutional respect, President, to the truth, perhaps you would understand and agree with me that within the European form of lawmaking, it is the un-elected commission that have the sole right to propose legislation. If I’m wrong in saying that, you can throw me out of this parliament, right here, right now, this afternoon.
Farage continues to make his point, that the nature of the EU and what underlies its existence is anti-Americanism. He says, “Trump is motivated by protecting the United States of America from Islamic terrorism, whereas what has happened in this room and in governments around Europe is you have welcomed these people into your own homes.”
He asks why those who claim to be so outraged now were completely silent when Obama banned Iraqis from entering the US for 6 months. He asks if there is any criticism for Saudi Arabia, Bahrain or Kuwait other Arab neighbors who have refused to take even a single refugee.
As a clerk comes over in what at first appeared to be  instructions to one of the globalist tools to put down his childish sign calling Farage a liar, they just chit-chat and laugh together, once again proving Farage’s claims about the nature of the organization.
Farage goes one step further, challenging the gathered hypocrites to invite “the most powerful man in the world” for an official visit, saying, “and if you throw that rejection back in my face, then you prove yourselves to be the anti-democratic zealots that I always thought you were.”
Sometimes the truth hurts. When it’s coming from Nigel Farage, it hurts a little more.

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