Thursday, February 2, 2017


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Franklin Graham On Trump: "He Might Go Down As The Greatest President In American History"

(HELLO CHRISTIAN) Evangelical leader Franklin Graham has praised President Donald Trump for keeping his promise and nominating a conservative Supreme Court Judge. "Once again he has kept a campaign promise—how refreshing!" Graham wrote on Facebook. "He said he was going to appoint a conservative, and that’s exactly what he has done in selecting Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court."
Graham continued "From all that I have read and from his track record, Judge Gorsuch is an excellent choice whose decisions will be guided by the original intentions of the U.S. Constitution and who will not try to legislate from the bench."
"Now we need to pray that God will overrule the liberal socialists and progressives who will do everything in their power to block this nomination."
Graham also opened up in an NBC interview, saying that Trump "is not a politician."
"I mean just look at him. He's a business man." Rev. Graham continued "He gets himself in trouble by saying things that are on his heart, and sometimes he offends people. I don't think he tries to do it, he's just honest. I think it's refreshing in some ways to see somebody who's honest, who says what he thinks and what he's going to do."
"If he can do half of what he says he's going to do, he might go down as the greatest President in American history!"
Watch Franklin talk about Trump below.

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