Sunday, February 19, 2017


john mccain

McCain Says Trump Doing What Dictators Do, But “Not Calling Him A Dictator”

RINO and George Soros puppet Senator John McCain joined his establishment colleague Chuck Todd in attacking President Trump while claiming to not be attacking him. They’re professional propagandists, they know how it’s done.
Todd puts up a graphic of a tweet by President Trump that stated, “The FAKE NEWS media (New York Times, NBC News, ABC, CBS, CNN is not my enemy. It is the enemy of the American people.” He asks comrade McCain, “Do you believe the press is the enemy? Do you believe any group of Americans are the enemy of another group of Americans?”
Of course that’s a stupid and dishonest question. McCain is on the same globalist side as the press, they’re his allies in the assault on America, not his enemies. And there are plenty of Americans who are enemies of the others. Patriots are being attacked at Trump rallies by leftists supported by the same George Soros who has funded McCain since at least 2008. They most recently destroyed portions of the campus and businesses in Berkeley, California. Hussein Obama is working through his agitators to overthrow the United States under a globalist oligarchy. Yes, is the honest answer, McCain, the one you won’t respond with.”
McCain goes on to pitch his support of a globalist New World Order and that the appearance of a free press was critical to it. He doesn’t want an actual free press, just to fill the space with propagandists, funded by George Soros, a situation such as we’re devolving into in America.
He says we need a free press, implying that we have one, when in fact it is the very lack of one that is driving President Trump’s narrative and forcing him to seek other means to get his message out to the people. 
McCain says, “If you want to preserve democracy as we know it (not our republic, apparently) you have to have a free and many times adversarial press and without it I’m afraid that we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time.”
Presently we have part of that equation, an extremely adversarial press that is not free and wholly controlled by the leftist anti-American political establishment, represented by McCain’s sugar daddy, George Soros.
Knowing exactly what he’s doing, McCain says, “That’s how dictators get started” in an interview about the relationship between President Trump and the media. 
There’s no accidental reference or unintended association; it’s calculated, premeditated and delivered by McCain just as it was scripted.
Todd makes the association for those at home, saying “That’s how dictators get started with tweets like that?” McCain then cleans it up for his own political benefit, saying, “No, they get started by suppressing a free press,” which is the situation we’re in now that was supposed to lead to a Democrat as the dictator. 
President Trump spoiled the results, but the dictator compliant press created under the Council on Foreign Relations and reinforced for the current assault under Hussein Obama already exists. 
They attack the man who is representing the people because they represent the dictators, the faceless machinery behind the scenes. It’s not about the public persona as far as they’re concerned, their politicians are stooges intended solely for public consumption.
“A consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing the dictators do is shut down the press (disarm the population), and I’m not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I’m just saying we need to learn the lessons of history”
Actually that is what he’s saying or close enough to it for it to become the intended fodder for his leftist and RINO establishment allies. Got your plausible deniability, though, eh Johnny boy?
My comments: Chuck Todd and CNN are part of the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist CABAL. A CABAL seeking a godless Socialist, Secular Humanist TYRANNY that Hillary would have brought. It is THEY who are seeking a DICTATORSHIP. And McCain appears to be going along with them. 

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