Wednesday, February 22, 2017


A screenshot from a new Texas ACLU video promoting its "Pee with LGBT" campaign



Pastors warn about new ad promoting open restrooms in state

Bob Unruh
Texas pastors have begun warning about a new ad campaign from the ACLU of Texas demanding that the state’s residents “pee with LGBT.”
The Texas Pastor Council previously told the National Football League – when it threatened a boycott because of the Texas Legislature’s bill to require men to use men’s restrooms – that if forced to choose, Don’t let the ticket gate hit you on the way out of Texas.”
These are the same pastors who fought back in 2014 when Houston Mayor Annise Parker rammed through the city council a pro-transgender city ordinance. WND broke the story when Parker subpoenaed the sermons of several pastors, and the resulting outrage forced her to back down. Her city’s voters, after the state Supreme Court ordered the city to allow a vote, trashed her plan.
Now the pastors’ group president, Dave Welch, warns “the ‘real’ opposition against the bathroom bill, the Texas Privacy Act, is beginning to surface, and it’s not a pretty picture.”
The bill would simply have biological men use men’s restrooms, and biological females use women’s facilities.
Welch cited a new ad from the ACLU of Texas that contends the bill is only “keeping transgenders from using the bathrooms that they identify with.”
“We can stop the bill, but there’s only one way,” say the actors in the ad in chorus fashion. “You’ve got to roll up your sleeves, pull down your pants, and pee with LGBT. … You’ve got to spray it, to say it.”
A cowboy in a bathroom calls it “discrimination” against family and friends.
“We damn sure ain’t going to end up like North Carolina,” he drawls.
See the new ad:
North Carolina last year adopted a “bathroom bill” that prompted the outrage of groups such as the National Basketball Association, which went to the expense of moving its all-star game because of the state’s alleged “discrimination.”
However, a report Tuesday by the Family Research Council presented facts that challenge the NBA’s wisdom.
The Washington Update report said that apparently “the NBA’s razzle dazzle over transgender locker rooms and bathrooms” has “backfired.”
Ticket sales for the all-star game, which was moved to New Orleans, “were in the basement, analysts said before last weekend’s celebration – with nowhere to go but down.”
On the eve of the event, the cheapest seats at Smoothie King Center in New Orleans were $184 – a 71 percent decrease from last year in Toronto, where fans were paying $644 “to sit in the rafters.”
Fox Business found tickets to this year’s game sold for an average of $1,007 on TicketIQ, an enormous drop from 2016, when the average resale price was than $2,000.
“Even sales for favorites like the Slam Dunk contest and Three-Point contest were a bargain – costing half as much as last year.”
FRC said that with the NFL “firing warning shots over Texas’s Privacy Act and the NBA jumping through hoops to show its allegiance to the radical left, most Americans are sending a message of their own: start listening to fans – not fanatics!”
The FRC Update also noted that ESPN is paying a price for its political activism, “as ratings fall faster than Colin Kaepernick’s jersey sales.”
“With the network bleeding more than a half-million subscribers (621,000) between October and November of last year, executives still refused to backtrack.”
FRC found irony in professional sports leagues trying to dictate social values to everyone in a state.
“The bills these businesses are so intent on protesting actually defend their right to act as liberally as they’d like,” FRC said.
“Texas’s SB 6 and North Carolina’s HB 2 firmly support business like the NBA making their own decisions on things like gender-free bathrooms. Neither state believes the government should be telling executives how to run their companies, especially on policies that carry as much liability as this one. Even more ironic, the NBA and NCAA moved their games to states with similar laws!”
Welch said the ACLU is “proving they are more accurately the Anti-Christian Liberation Union.”
“The spirit behind this movement is easy to observe through this video that starts wi[th] a call to ‘roll up your sleeves pull down your pants, and pee with the LGBT.'”
He said that people who want to rally pastors and churches in their communities in support of their cause can get information by emailing or calling 832-688-9166.
“Will Texas remain a state in which ‘one state under God’ is not only in our pledge but in our hearts, or will we declare Him a liar and a myth by declaring there is no such thing as boy or girl, man or woman, male or female, with all the catastrophic ramifications?”
The ACLU, meanwhile, claimed that passing the bill “would harm Texas business to the tune of billions of dollars. Just ask North Carolina.”
The issue arose under President Obama, who pushed the agenda even to the point of mandating it in public schools before the order was put on hold by the federal courts. The Trump administration now has said it will not defend the order.
CBS News reported recently the NFL “sharpened” its warning to Texas.
“If a proposal that is discriminatory or inconsistent with our values were to become law there, that would certainly be a factor considered when thinking about awarding future events,” said Brian McCarthy, an NFL spokesman.
The Texas Pastor Council, however, was in no mood to succumb to an outside group it said was trying to put women and children in danger.
The group said Texans “love football, but we love our God, our freedom and our families more.”
“If we are forced to choose, then we will say to the NFL and other sports organizations or lobby groups: ‘Don’t let the ticket gate hit you on the way out of Texas.'”
The pastors fought back when Parker tried to impose her agenda on Houston several years earlier.
After she tried to subpoena pastors’ sermons, and the story spread further through the Drudge Report, the pastors called for an investigation of city hall’s actions.
A nationwide outpouring of criticism prompted city officials to drop the subpoenas. But the reputation of the city had already been tarnished, with talk-radio icon Rush Limbaugh at the time calling the subpoenas “one of the most vile, filthy, blatant violations of the Constitution that I have seen.”
The pastors’ message to the NFL: “We demand to know what role the NFL has in dictating the values of Texas, interfering with something outside of regulating their own sport and placing our women and children in harm’s way to give preference to one-tenth of one percent who are confused about their gender.”
The pastors said if the NFL’s values “include requiring that men can use women’s restrooms, we have a special message for the commissioner and Mr. McCarthy: Pastors of every color and every corner of this state are declaring that we choose mothers over money, daughters over dollars and privacy over predators.”
Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took to social media to point out that the NFL punished Tom Brady and the New England Patriots after allegations of cheating in “Deflategate” but ended up handing him the Super Bowl trophy.

My comments: Every Christian should Boycott the NBA and NFL until they stop their support of this "Bathroom" Issue. It is against God and his Word.  

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