Monday, February 6, 2017




Exclusive: Jason & David Benham warn of continued 'change we can believe in'

When it comes to those who want to radically transform America, the issue is never the issue – the revolution is. And the revolution is hijacking our youth.
Just look at the protesters at Berkeley and NYU last week. These young kids supposedly demand free speech, love, equality and tolerance for all people. Yet they physically beat those who disagree with them, they chant expletives at guests on their campus, and they vandalize local shops when they don’t get their way.
What about the issues of free speech, love, equality and tolerance?
The issue is never the issue – the revolution is – and our kids are being led astray by it.
Saul Alinsky, the 1960s radical who wrote “Rules for Radicals,” once said, “In the beginning, the organizers first job is to create the issues or problems.
“Creating the problems allows people to feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future.
“The oppositions means, used against us, are always immoral and our means are always ethical and rooted in the highest of human values.”
The goal of today’s radical revolution is to overthrow the American system, the foundation of which is dependence upon God and defense of individual liberty. Most of these protesters probably don’t even understand this – but their leaders do. As students burn, beat and break in the streets, liberal professors sit comfortably at home in their seats. Many of them stoke the fires of revolution in the classroom and watch the fires on television from their living rooms.
And so the revolution moves forward, exploiting gay people, transgenders, pregnant mothers, low-income communities and immigrants/refugees to create the “issues” that further the agenda – all while giving little or no heed to the “issues” themselves.
But moral consistency matters not to revolutionaries. All they have to do is create the problem, then take the “moral” high ground and continue beating the drum until concessions are made and the system is changed to their liking.
After concession, it’s simply rinse and repeat, as they reorganize and plan another disturbance, exploiting a different issue that furthers the revolution and using the nation’s youth to force the change in the streets.
This is what we will be seeing over the next four years. This is what the liberal media will cover most. This will become the talking points for the political establishment. This will be the continued “change we can believe in.”
The revolution won’t stop, so we’d better buckle up and settle in for a long battle. It’s here, and if you’re not participating in it you will be forced to.
Thomas Jefferson once said, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
Today, we must be vigilant to engage all those who fill the streets of our cities disrupting and destroying. And when we engage we must do so with courage and compassion – for these young people are simply “sheep without a shepherd.”
When Jesus “saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were distressed and disheartened, as sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:26).
Imagine what sheep without a shepherd actually look like. They’re probably muddy from falling into a ditch, bloody from getting attacked by another animal and hungry from having little nourishment. It’s not a pretty sight.
So too, it’s not a pretty sight what we’re watching in our streets. Rather, it’s hopelessness on display for lack of a true shepherd. If only they knew Jesus – the Good Shepherd – things would be much different for them, and for our nation.
“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His names sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:1-4).
Jesus is our Good Shepherd. His word is clear we are to honor Him if we want to be blessed on the earth. And His ways are best, because He created us and knows exactly what we need to flourish here.
So if you want to think clearly and engage compassionately during this time in our nation’s history, it’s important to understand the issue is never the issue – the revolution is – and it’s using our “shepherdless” children to advance its cause.
If these crowds come to your city beating people, burning buildings and breaking windows, stand up and speak out. Do your best to effectively communicate the timeless values of God’s Word – first in your own life – so these hopeless kids can truly experience a revolution that runs toward the Good Shepherd instead of away from Him.

My comments: America and Christians INVITED THIS REVOLUTION when they submitted their Children to the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. Unless the Public Schools are Changed or Evacuated, this Revolution will never Stop.

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