Tuesday, January 3, 2017


December 26, 2016
December 23, 2016: Another date that will live in infamy
By Victor Sharpe

A foul act has taken place against the Jewish people living in their ancestral and biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, (also known by the false name, West Bank, given to it by the Jordanian Arab occupiers from 1948 to 1967). 
It occurred in that cesspit of immorality known as the United Nations and deliberately perpetrated on December 23, 2016 – another date that will live in infamy.
The base act was fiendishly conceived and executed by an evil hater of the Jewish people, of the Jewish faith, and of the re-constituted Jewish State of Israel – namely one Barack Hussein Obama; incredibly the President of the United States of America for eight long and baleful years.

As fellow writer, Melanie Phillips, wrote:

"President Obama's refusal to veto the sickening UN Security Council resolution against Israel was an act of pure malice.

"The resolution is legally illiterate and perpetrates the Big Lie about Israel: that the so-called 'settlements' violate international law.
"They do not violate international law and no UN resolution can make them unlawful. Israel is legally entitled to build homes on this territory because it was never sovereign land belonging to any other state and it was land the UN's precursor body pledged that the Jewish people should be settled on through account of their unique spiritual and historical right to do so.

"The UN has long demonstrated by its egregious application of double standards against Israel that it has become nothing less than an instrument of extermination against a member state
Only the US restrained it: now Obama has allied America to this agenda of infamy."
It was thus – and almost on the very eve when Christians celebrate the birth of their Lord 2,000 years ago in the Jewish village of Bet Lechem, its Hebrew name now anglicized as Bethlehem – that the infamous act took place two millennia later in the UN Security Council. And it was also devilishly perpetrated on the eve of the celebrated Jewish festival of Hanukkah.
This festival marks the Jewish people's deliverance from Hellenist-Syrian occupation some 2,200 years ago when the heroic Maccabee warriors liberated the Jewish homeland and its capital, Jerusalem, cleansed the Temple which had been defiled by the pagans, and brought freedom to the Jewish people in the very same lands that Obama and the corrupt UN now deem illegal.
As my friend, Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, pointed out in his December 26, 2016 article titled "Second Thoughts: A US-Israel Initiative:
The epic battles that the Jews fought against successive invading pagan armies took place in, "Beth El, Beth Horon, Hadashah, Beth Zur, Ma'aleh Levona, Adora'yim, Elazar, Beit Zachariya and Ba'al Hatzor. Obama falsely contends that where many of these historic battles occurred are now deemed 'occupied lands.'

"When Shimon the Maccabee (who succeeded Judah and Jonathan) was confronted with such a contention, he responded: "We have not occupied a foreign land; we have not ruled a foreign land; we have liberated the land of our forefathers from foreign occupation.

"In 1977, Prime Minister Begin replied to a request by President Carter to freeze Jewish 'settlements' in Judea and Samaria: "Why is it permitted for a Jew to settle in Bethel or Shiloh in the USA, towns named after places in Judea and Samaria, but forbidden to build in the original Shiloh or Beth El?"
Obama, no lover of Christianity either, chose with infernal and diabolical fury to carry out his hateful deed, which will mark his evil legacy down the ages.
We are now witness to one of history's supreme and horrifying ironies. The Jewish villagers and townsfolk living within their ancient, biblical 3,500 year old heartland of Judea and Samaria and in Jerusalem neighborhoods are now demonized by a hate filled and vile world body as illegal and illegitimate – and on the very eve of the Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations which coincide this year.

Pity the 750,000 Jewish souls in Jerusalem neighborhoods and throughout biblical Judea and Samaria who are told by a hateful world that they are now illegitimate and prey to every UN sanctioned outrage.

Just as Nazi Germany delegitimized Europe's Jews and then followed it with systematic genocide, now Jewish men, women and children will again be at the mercy of voracious and merciless wolves in human clothing thanks to the corrosive evil that lurks within the heart and mind of Barack Hussein Obama.
© Victor Sharpe
My comments: This latest Affront to God and Humanity by Obama will Seal his real Legacy as one of the Most Evil men to ever live.  

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