Tuesday, December 6, 2016


If you are a Christian you should understand
That being on the “Left” is a Religion;
It is godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism—
A Religion that is in Complete Opposition to God and His Word.

You should also understand that these godless people
Control much of America--
They Control the “Babylons” of America--
The Major Urban Areas of America.
The 2016 Election emphasized that Reality.

Christians should understand
That these godless people are not going to change.
They have a great, Satanic Passion, for their godlessness
And they will use Any Means to Impose their Religion on the Nation.

Already, through the Supremely Evil Court,
They have taken Prayer out of the Public Schools;
Made Abortion Murder Legal,
Made Same-Sex Marriage, Law,
And continue to Indoctrinate America's Children into their godless Religion.
All of this in Opposition to God and His Word.

America as One Nation Under God is a thing of the Past.
The godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists
Will Never acquiesce to this.

America remains a Divided Nation,
And a Divided Nation cannot stand. (Mark 3:24, 25)

We Pray that the Election of Donald Trump will provide a Respite
From the Ruthless and Relentless Push of Obama and the Democrats.
For ever increasing godlessness.
However, at the very most, it will be a Respite.

These godless people will Fight Donald Trump
And his Administration Every Day, every step of the way,
To regain Control.
They will use All their Centers of Power,
Including the Media, Entertainment, Government, the Apostate Church, etc.,
To Frustrate Righteousness and to Regain Power.

Realize that this Religion is World Wide--
It is Precursor to the One World Religion of the Antichrist.
In fact, it is Preparing the Way for the Revealing of the Antichrist.

Scripture has made Clear
That the reign of the Antichrist will come to pass [Rev. 13];
It is short lived, it lasts for only Three and One-half Years,
The same time as God's Great Tribulation
Because the moment the World receives the Antichrist as their “god,”
God's Great Tribulation begins.

Our task as Christians, is to Pray for Righteousness--
To Pray for all those God will bring into His Kingdom from now on--
To Pray for the Strengthening of those in His Kingdom at this time--
To Pray that God's Kingdom will come and His Will be done,
On Earth as in Heaven--

Understanding that this will be a Reality

At the Soon Return of Christ Jesus.

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