Monday, December 19, 2016


BREAKING: American Pastor Sentenced To Death Overseas…Pray For Him Now

by Henry Freeman 
Many American pastors will go overseas in non-Christian nations to help Christians and to guide people to Christ. One American Pastor has been serving in Turkey for over 20 years, but just recently was arrested. The man was arrested in Turkey (A Muslim run Nation) after being deemed a threat to their national security.
Right now many petitions have been started by The American Center for Law and Justice demanding the man’s release. Andrew Brunson was sentenced to death in Turkey, but the center is working to do right by him and his family (who are based in Black Mountain, North Carolina). “We are representing the family of an American pastor who is facing grave danger in a Turkish prison where he is being held simply because of his Christian beliefs,” said Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the ACLJ.
Turkey has begun increased arrests on Christians that are based on false charges and suspicions. It is horrifying to see an American doing right by his fellow man be sentenced to death for nothing more than his religion. America is demanding the release of the Pastor immediately without any delay.
The arrests of Brunson and his wife happened when they were summoned to Turkey to discuss the application of their Visa, that is when they were instead arrested. The American pastor has been denied access to speak with a lawyer, and has been given scarce access to U.S. consular officials. Pastor Brunson needs us now! Will you send your prayers his way for his safety and health?

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