Friday, December 23, 2016


I am outraged. 

News broke this morning that President Obama is killing a Bush-era program that monitored potentially dangerous visa-holders visiting from hotbeds of Islamic radicalism. 
This is, at best, a petty political decision aimed at undercutting the incoming Trump Administration and, at worst, unrepentantly suicidal. 
America has suffered repeated terrorist attacks on our own soil by so-called "refugees." 

And right now, the manhunt rages in Germany for the Tunisian refugee suspected of the heinous Berlin Christmas Market truck attack that left 12 dead and dozens wounded. 

Obama truly is burning down the house on his way out the door.His arrogance knows no bounds. 

But as his time in office mercifully comes to an end, our work to restore America is just beginning. 

So please read Ted's email below and then help your American Security Coalition take the next step by signing your "Respect the Vote" petition to Congress and chipping in $10 or $25 to shatter the globalists' death grip on the levers of power


Dustin C. 
Director of Policy 

Well, that didn't take long. 

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and his allies are already working to undermine the wishes of the American people expressed just one month ago on Election Day. 

Congressman Bill Flores (R-TX) -- a known mouthpiece for Speaker Ryan -- revealed the globalists' intentions while speaking to a D.C. audience on December 1st. 

On the surface, there was nothing controversial about the Republican House leadership's legislative priorities outlined by Rep. Flores. 

But he made no mention of ending the flood of illegal immigrants and poorly-vetted "refugees" from hotbeds of Islamic radicalism

And he danced around the issue of building a wall to secure America's border with Mexico. 

This is a dead giveaway that Speaker Ryan and his fellow globalists have no intention of respecting the will of the American voters. 
Making only vague references to "border security" is not going to cut it. 

Just look at the horror stories that continue to pour out of Europe's "refugee" crisis, including two heinous acts of rape, one of which ended in the murder of a young woman. 

For too long, Speaker Ryan and the Washington, D.C. elites have hidden behind their taxpayer-funded security while the rest of America is exposed to the dangers their policies unleash. 
And the results of years of our demands falling on the deaf ears of Speaker Ryan and his cronies were unleashed on Election Day

The election results proved the American people will not stand for it any more. 

The globalist agenda of the open-borders lobby was defeated. 

Unfortunately, the entrenched D.C. politicians and bureaucrats are determined to hold on to their positions of privilege while promoting an agenda that puts us all at risk. 

They are directly at odds with the mandate they received from the voters: SECURE our borders and END the flood of illegal immigrants and "refugees." 

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your "Respect the Vote" petition to the new Congress that will be sworn-in next month.

Our goal is to meet every legislator -- from first-term Congressmen to long-serving Senators -- with an ultimatum from the American People: respect the vote and reject the globalist agenda! 

So please click here to sign your "Respect the Vote" petition to the new Congress right away

Your signed petition will make it crystal clear to your U.S. Senators and Representative that you expect them to: 

*** Fully support, fund, and vote for construction of the Mexican border wall; 

*** End the influx of, and deport, potentially dangerous illegal immigrants and "refugees" who have flooded our country under President Obama; 

*** Support confirmation of executive nominees who will faithfully carry out construction of the border wall and restore sanity to America's immigration system. 

Tom, November's election has presented patriotic Americans with a tremendous opportunity. 

But the damage of the last eight years will not magically go away. 

It's up to you and me to ensure the new Congress obeys the mandate they were given by the American people to secure our borders and keep us safe from criminal illegal immigrants and potentially dangerous "refugees." 

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