Friday, December 2, 2016


News Media



Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains establishment's vitriol aimed at alternative media

I knew the media were out of touch with the American people.
I’ve known it for 35 years.
It’s why I do what I do.
It’s why I created WND – the first independent online news company – some 20 years ago.
It’s why I started WND Books 15 years ago, which boasts the highest percentage of New York Times best-sellers of any publisher anywhere.
It’s why I launched WND Films four years ago, producing some of the best-selling and hard-hitting documentaries.
It’s why I have devoted my life to reminding my colleagues and others about the critical role of the free press in a free society.
Nevertheless, even I was shocked at the so-called “news” coverage of the 2016 presidential election.
It was scandalous. It was so bad, so unprofessional, so outrageous in its bias, lies and partisanship that it probably helped elect Donald Trump by default.
After all, who could defend what’s become of the Washington establishment, with its unconstitutional excesses, illegal power grabs and corruption? Only the establishment news media could – and did.
Why are the major news media – which are supposed to serve as a watchdog on government waste, fraud, abuse and corruption – complicit in those things and betraying their mission to maintain a free and open society based on the principle of self-governance?
This is a glaring and irresponsible double standard by the major news media that is dividing our country, squelching debate, controlling the national dialogue, paving the way for more loss of freedom and rolling out the red carpet for excessive, unlimited government power.
In fact, if the establishment news media didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all. And, remember, I say this as someone who once wanted nothing else out of a career but to work in the so-called “mainstream media.” I enjoyed every moment of my 20 years there running daily newspapers in major markets until the advent of the Internet.
This election was a turning point, so do not be discouraged.
Change is finally here – not just in Washington, but within the media as well.
It’s been a long time coming.
I thought we were on the verge of breaking the media hammerlock on news 20 years ago when we founded the first online competition.
It has simply taken longer than I expected to break through.
In 2016, change came – not just to Washington but with an embarrassed, perplexed, stunned and confused media.
So, do not be discouraged at what we witnessed over the last year.
Be encouraged.
America is waking up.
The tide is turning.
Even the hapless, twisted major news media is no longer able to ignore the popular uprising that is taking place within the U.S.
And the alternative media played an instrumental role in fomenting this rebellion.
Now, in the post-election era, the media establishment is conducting a kind of scorched-earth war on the new alternative media, which in no small way had an impact on a presidential election they were sure would go the other way.
Their worst nightmare has come to pass, so they are turning on their new fiery competition with a vengeance. They are trying to retain their “gatekeeper” monopoly by branding outlets like WND and the DrudgeReport and Breitbart as “fake news.”
Why? Because we are doing the job they are supposed to be doing. There’s one reason and one reason alone the Founding Fathers enshrined in the First Amendment special protections for the free press – because they assumed it would make for a livelier and healthy political debate.
Their instincts were right and served the country well for more than 200 years. But the media eventually fell under the control of a cartel. That cartel has been hit with the equivalent of a tactical nuclear explosion in 2016.
Now we have the chance to break the media establishment like we’ve broken the Washington political establishment.
Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.

My comments: Let us not forget that The Mainstream Media is still the Propaganda Wing of the Democrat Party and the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist Religion. And they will use Any Means to achieve their godless, Evil goal, which is Tyrannical Control of America. The Foundation of their Religion is Rebellion agaisnt God and His Word and to Eradicate those who are followers of Chrsit Jesus. They Hate Christ Jesus because He tells them that what they do is Evil. (John 7:7)

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