Saturday, December 24, 2016


There is a disastrous epidemic eating away at America's families that stems from heightened cultural, legal, and legislative attacks on the family structure itself. Radical groups want to redefine marriage and the family. Destroy the natural family and our nation will crumble. But God has raised Liberty Counsel up to fight for America's families!  Please see my important message below — Mat.

Among Liberty Counsel's core tenets is the protection of the family. Right now, there is an unprecedented onslaught targeting our families through cultural immersion, government mandates, and extreme propaganda being taught in our public schools.  
Christian principles are being systematically rooted out of our schools and culture. The minds of children are being barraged as never before with revisionist history, immoral behaviors, and abhorrent lifestyles. Theses forces must be stopped!

With the escalation of cultural and legal assaults on the American family, marriage, and parental rights, 2016 was a very busy year for Liberty Counsel's legal team. Here is a snapshot highlighting a few of our 2016 pro-family initiatives … 
• We are currently engaged in cases caused by the backlash of the Supreme Court's egregious same-sex "marriage" ruling and the defense of public officials being threatened with termination for standing for natural marriage.

We successfully represented the family of a seven-year-old who was warned by a deputy sheriff to stop sharing Bible verses at school.
• We took a case to the Virginia Supreme Court against the School Board of Fairfax County regarding the illegal policy adding "sexual orientation," "gender identity," and "gender expression" to its school manual.

Took a leadership role opposing two bills which would have added the new categories of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity or expression" to a number of school boards throughout the country.
• We are engaged in other legal battles to defeat Barack Obama's LGBTQ-driven "bathroom" agenda, which endangers women and children.

We resolved numerous cases involving public school districts discriminating against after-school Christian clubs. As a result, many children will learn biblical values while in the same school they attend.

• Continued to defend Massachusetts pastor Scott Lively who faces charges from Sexual Minorities of Uganda (SMUG) for "crimes against humanity," allegedly violating international law by speaking out against homosexual conduct while visiting Uganda.

When you stand with Liberty Counsel, you are standing for the family and the sanctity of God-ordained, natural marriage. You are joining us in fighting against Big Brother and overreach into our most personal decisions regarding our families. You are helping us stand against the well-funded, radical LGBTQ movement.  
Would you consider a special year-end gift today that will help Liberty Counsel in our ongoing efforts to defend natural marriage and the family against radical forces?

Thanks to a providential $75,000 Year-End Challenge Grant, every dollar you donate this month will have twice the impact! Click on the banner below to support Liberty Counsel with a generous donation of any amount:

Liberty Counsel will never stand idly by as government administrations, activist judges, or radical groups try to redefine the God-ordained institution of marriage, marginalize parental rights, prevent children from receiving Christian counseling, and attack the family! The battles we fight on behalf of our families are among the most important cultural battles of our lifetime

Our legal battles cannot be fought without the support of faithful friends like you. Stand with Liberty Counsel today and advance natural marriage, the rights of parents, and our most personal choices against government intervention.

Click on the banner below to give your best gift possible today:

Donate now

God bless you for your principled stand on behalf of America's families!

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Liberty Counsel has been aggressively and actively involved in defending natural marriage and the family unit in both the courts and legislatures since our founding in 1989. We act as your ambassadors and God's advocates in America's legal system. 

We could not have helped anyone if it weren't for your generous donations and God's wisdom and strength. Again, thank you and Merry Christmas!   

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