Friday, December 2, 2016


hannity gorka

Gorka – Obama Puts Terrorist Civil Rights Above US Security, Freedoms

Donald Trump offers his perspective on the Somali terrorist who attacked innocent students at Ohio State, stating quite clearly, “ISIS is taking credit for the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who should not have been in our country.”
Hannity asks how the Islamist was able to fly under the radar at a time when he was posting terrorist messages on social media and why we haven’t initiated a system by which we monitor the radicals and intervene before they attack. Dr. Sebastian Gorka asks Hannity if he really wants to “undermine the civil rights of terrorists? Because that’s what the Obama administration says.”
Gorka explains, “Because that’s how an immigrant comes to San Bernardino, who has been studying at a theological Madrassa in South Asia and the State Department, who is looking at her fiancé visa application, isn’t allowed to look at her Facebook page. It’s insanity, it’s just absolute insanity. That’s the Obama counterterrorism policy today.”
Hannity observes that the terrorists always seem to be telegraphing what they intend to do yet we still only find out after something happens. Hannity has another question, “How many of these people that have been responsible for attacks have been to either Saudi Arabia or, in this case, have been to Pakistan, also Somalia. Congressman Pete King pointed out a lot of those that have been radicalized are coming from Somalia. Is there something that we’re missing here and again, are we putting American lives at risk, are we gambling with people’s lives?”
Gorka quotes a statistic he saw on Breitbart, that more than half of the people convicted of  terrorism in the last fifteen years in the United States were immigrants or people not born here. This is why Donald Trump won the election, in part, because he’s reapplying common sense to national security. If you can’t secure your border, you will have threats to the citizenry of the United States.”
He continues, “If you’re not allowed to look at what people are posting on the Internet, that is pro-Sharia Law, pro-jihadi ideology, you will miss these people.” He says, “January 20th will be when common sense reenters the United States government,” when Hussein Obama makes his exit.
He adds that the ideology of the Obama regime is “based on multiculturalism, all cultures are equal, and they really mean they’re all better than American culture. As a result, you’re not allowed to make value judgments. The idea that female genital mutilation is wrong, well you’re just a bigot if you say that. The idea that a woman has to be covered and walk twenty paces behind me, you’re just somebody who’s Islamophobic. It’s nonsense.”

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