Tuesday, December 20, 2016


gorka trump

Dr. Sebastian Gorka On Terrorist Attacks In Berlin, Turkey

Dr. Sebastian Gorka cites the day’s events as verification that in this war against terrorism there is no such thing as a front line as was the case in World Wars one and two. “The front line is when you leave your house in the morning. The front line is in art galleries, the front line is at Christmas festivities in Berlin.”
He continues, “The fact is Europe is at war, America is at war and the jihadis are already in place.” He notes the perpetrator in the Russian Ambassador to Turkey’s murder was an ultimate insider, a policeman.
Bret Baier notes there were a number of warning in advance of the Berlin attack, and urging their followers to utilize vehicle attacks such as this due to their ease of access and low probability of being discovered ahead of time. He also points out the Daily Mirror warning of Christmas market attacks. Dr. Gorka notes that the San Bernardino attacks occurred likewise at a Christmas party, that it should not come as any surprise that the Islamists attack the infidels on the Christian holiday.
Gorka quotes another portion of the same ISIS propaganda in which they say “mow the infidel down like grass.” Gorka describes the reluctance on the part of law enforcement to label an event as terrorism as being almost a joke. He says, “When a man is shouting ‘Allahu Akbar,’ when you see a tactic that comes straight out of the trade craft of al-Qaeda, of ISIS being used, what are we waiting for?”
He describes comments made to him by a former intelligence officer on Twitter that said “The longer the authorities don’t provide a name of the suspect, the higher the likelihood that it’s a jihadi attack.” Seems like attempting to error on the side of diversity and tolerance is having only one certain result. The flow of jihadis continues, and will the associated massacres.
Based upon President-elect Trump’s Youngstown speech and General Michael Flynn’s Book Field of Fight, the first thing that will happen will be a total jettison of political correctness. “This idea that the enemy calls themselves jihadis and we’re not able to call them jihadis, that ends on the evening of January 20th.

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