Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Dr. Mark Christian grew up in a prominent Muslim family in Egypt and converted to Christianity as an adult.
Dr. Mark Christian grew up in a prominent Muslim family in Egypt and converted to Christianity as an adult.

Christianity has got it all wrong in America, he said. If Christianity doesn’t change its response to Islam it is going to be silenced by Islam, says Dr. Christian, who penned an op-ed on this topic Thursday in the Washington Times titled Terrorizing Christmas.

Christianity’s response to Islam should not be to make Islam comfortable here in the West, trying not to offend by withholding from Muslims the hard truths of the gospel, he said. But before even the gospel can be shared, Christians must explain to Muslims how their religion is built on lies, he said.

Christians are the most naïve of all Americans,” he told WND. “They are the ones who don’t understand and don’t want to understand the danger that is sitting on the corner trying to devour every church and very Christian on earth.”
Again, he says, look at the life of Muhammad if you want to understand the driving force behind Islam.

The very prophecy of Muhammad is that Jesus will come back not to lift up the Church but to destroy the Church,” he said. “This is the prophecy of Muhamad, so you are talking about the complete opposite of what Christianity teaches, but Christians are the most lame and naïve of all because they are trying their best to do nothing in front of danger, which is something Jesus never did. 

He spoke truth to power. And He was not afraid of a cross.

Christians nowadays are hiding behind the cross. We are told to be on the cross and to make disciples of all nations. We are told to face danger and face our own cross on a daily basis.”


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