Tuesday, December 6, 2016


paul ryan

Ryan Betrayal Ahead – House Agenda His, Who Cares What Trump Promised America

It appears that once again Paul Ryan is going to do exactly what those who are familiar with him expect him to do, put the interests of the fat cats first as he stabs the American people in the back. According to Rep Bill Flores (R-TX), the plan in the House is to move forward with programs that Ryan wants and ones in which he has agreement with Mr. Trump. Once those are signed off on, Ryan will return to his customary two-faced foot dragging and pretending he’s the president.
Flores told an insider gathering of swamp creatures on December 1st, “We all agree that some of President Trump’s proposed policies are not going to line up very well with our conservative policies,” according to Breitbart News. In this instance conservative is synonymous with self-enriching fascist.
He also told Arthur Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute, the same thing. Flores said, “Let’s do the things where we agree — let’s do tax reform, let’s do Obamacare, lets replace Obamacare, let’s start dealing with border security, let’s rebuild our national security and then, on those areas where his agenda is not exactly aligned with ours … then, we’ll figure out the rest in the next six months.”
As pointed out in the Breitbart article, Mickey Kaus believes, “The GOP Congressional leadership wants to pass all its priorities quickly — tax cuts, regulatory cuts, Obamacare repeal, a Scalia replacement, maybe throw in some kind of weak ‘border security’ bill for show.” After that, it’s back to being the servants of corporate America that we’ve all come to despise them for; back to betrayal as usual.
Kaus points out, “Once Trump signs their bills, what do they need him for? His leverage is cut in half. If he wants new laws – mandatory e-Verify, funding for a Wall etc. It seems like he has to get them while he still has leverage.”
Flores gave away some of their tactics that would be employed against Mr. Trump by the GOP shysters, probably not the wisest move for one engaged in political subversion. He said the establishment needs to take the lead to keep the initiative and the crafting of the action off of Mr. Trump’s calendar, making it less likely he will attempt to change policies and regulations. The leadership, according to Flores, will tell him they’ll take the lead, crafting the action more in keeping with what their corporate owners say than the American people.
As we know and they point out, on the immigration front, most of what Mr. Trump needs in order to make good on his campaign promises is already in place. He can reduce guest workers, end catch and release for illegals, and return to the enforcement of employer sanctions for hiring illegals.
The Ryan priorities were outlined in a December first 60 Minutes interview with Paul Ryan, which mirror those Flores listed, “repealing and replacing Obamacare, fixing the regulatory state to grow jobs, reforming the tax code, rebuilding the military, securing the border, and making sure that we can address some of the infrastructure problems that we have.”
The Ryan and Flores mantra of “Let’s do the things where we agree” has a second part to the sentence, “and that’s it.” Somehow that doesn’t seem like a deal that Mr. Trump is going to be party to. It doesn’t seem like Paul Ryan has learned a thing either. Maybe we’d better just find a more attentive student.
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