Tuesday, November 1, 2016




Exclusive: Mychal Massie says Hillary's actions impugn 'the history of the office'

When challenged pursuant to Hillary Clinton’s email server scandal, a woman who supports Clinton was heard to tell a woman who supports Donald Trump: “But [Clinton] apologized for that.” When told of the conversation, I was offended by the flawed reasoning of the Clinton supporter, but I wasn’t surprised.
The truth is that Clinton didn’t apologize; she said that she wouldn’t do it again. Following the reasoning of the woman supporting Clinton, all a bank robber has to do to is promise not to rob another bank and he should go unpunished.
Obama dismissed questions pursuant to the reopening of the FBI email investigation, saying: “She’s really, really qualified. … Media stories go up and down. I know there’s a lot of crazy stuff on TV.” (“Obama Ignores Clinton’s Email Controversy, Emphasizing Instead That She’s ‘Really, Really Qualified,'” Christi Parsons, Los Angeles Times, Oct. 28, 2016)
These two comments are breathtaking for: A) the unimaginable lack of reasoning by some voters; B) Obama’s unmitigated disregard for the rule of law.
Criminal accusations have followed Clinton from the very start of her career as a corporate lawyer including up to this very day and hour. At some point reasonable people have to admit that the preponderance of guilt against her must be believed. Her telling lies about the email server and cover-up isn’t just one isolated incident. It is the most recent in a career of one serious criminal allegation and investigation after another. Heaven only knows what she has done that we are unaware of.
As president of the United States, Obama swore an oath: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Inherent in that Oath of Office is strict adherence to the rule of law and that the law applies to every man, woman and child equally.
Saying Clinton is “really, really, qualified” has absolutely nothing to do with her relentless pursuit of behavior for which others guilty of far less serious acts have served or are serving prison sentences.
Being “really, really, qualified” (even if she were), does not put aside a professional life filled with one accusation of criminal behavior after another. And, specific to same, if she has been accused of one criminal act and scandal after another (including during her time as first lady) what can be reasonably expected of her if she were president? Are we to believe that if elected president she would suddenly cease all illicit behavior?
Her irresponsible behavior and willing disregard for law has proven her unfit for the office of president. Respect for law is something we teach our children. Responsible parents do not teach their children how to circumvent the law, lie, defraud, extort money, etc.
Clinton’s policies are antithetical to the traditions America was founded upon. But it is her willingness to engage a life of criminality and her total lack of regard for law that disqualifies her for the office, which by any legitimate consideration she isn’t fit to pursue.
If it were only about the justices she would appoint to the Supreme Court, we could have a reasoned disagreement. If it were about her position that abortion should be allowed any time up to and including the last month of pregnancy, we could engage in righteous disagreement. If it were about her position on foreign policy and domestic policy, we could have cogent debate and disagreement.
But it is about her arrogant disrespect for law. It is about her flagrant abuse of law. It is about her attitude that she is not held to the same standards of law to which every other American is held. It is about her viewing herself as being above the law and that the laws that apply to all others do not apply to her.
Every man heretofore who has held the office of president has been flawed on some level. But with that said, none has placed himself above the law before taking office. None has sought the office of president with the criminal baggage clinging to him, as is the case with Clinton.
It is not just an embarrassment to what America stands for and has represented to the world; it is a shameful disgrace to propriety and the history of the office of president.
That more than anything else disqualifies her to be president, and the fact that Obama is telling voters to dismiss her criminal behavior reflects upon his lack of character.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/10/would-a-president-clinton-stop-her-criminal-behavior/#UWltsv6oZSwgdtQD.99

My comments: IF the American Electorate puts Hillary in Office, it will be Putting their Seal of Approval on her LAWLESSNESS! And with that Seal of Approval she will be Encouraged to be  even More Lawless.

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