Wednesday, November 2, 2016


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This Evangelical Woman has a Powerful Message About Trump

Tamara Scott, Iowa's Republican National Committeewoman, hosts a weekly radio program called Truth For Our Time with a Des Moines-based Christian talk radio station.
During a recent taping of the program, the evangelical Scott discussed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and how—regardless of how unlikely it may seem—he is a man called for a time such as this for our nation. In doing so, she likened him to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
She also shared an encouraging message for Christians preparing to vote in the Nov. 8 general election.
"Don't get caught up in the media's disparaging comments," she said. "They know they can't beat Trump but if they can beat you by demoralizing you, embarrassing you from talking about him, working for him, making phone calls, and voting for him, then possibly they can win.
"It's no more different than the propaganda war that moved Hitler and that regime forward in World War II. It is every bit as serious, only we have hope right now—a victory without bloodshed. I encourage you get out and do what you can talk to your friends, not just friends you know are going to vote for Donald Trump, but those who are sitting on the fence.
"Remember: those who sit on the fence usually end up with splinters.
"Be encouraged, never be complacent. Get out and do what you can as a Christian in the civic arena to make a difference. We have one candidate who foments the war on Christianity and Donald Trump says he will end it. 
One candidate who promotes death in the womb and one who says he'll stop it. One who says nothing about constitutional justices—in fact she despises the decisions of the court—and he says he has a list approved by the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society.
"Our choices couldn't be any more clear. Social issues are very important to me as many of you, but unless we have our national sovereignty and security, we will not be able to deal with any of them ... and as Winston Churchill says, 'Never give up! Never give up! Never give up!'"
Scott also serves as Iowa State Director of Concerned Women for America. Her program is broadcast on Friday and Sunday mornings. She records it live at 11 a.m. EDT every Friday; which can be viewed at

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