Tuesday, November 1, 2016





Exclusive: Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady ID's 'evil, criminal act' threatening nation's survival

In one of the most horrific political proclamations in my lifetime, in her third debate with Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton declared she would butcher a baby on its birthday! She would rip one of God’s most innocent, precious creatures out of the chamber of life and snuff it. 
Equally horrifying was President Obama’s answer to the simple question of when life begins. He said it was beyond his pay grade. Here we have a “brilliant” constitutional professor expressing doubt as to when life begins, yet he would still promote the death of a baby who survives an abortion! He surely knows that any reasonable doubt in the trial of a certifiable serial killer, like that of one juror in 12, would set that person free to kill again. Yet he would not apply reasonable doubt to whether or not the baby in its mother’s womb is a living human being?
Clinton and Obama are politicians and lawyers, too many of whom specialize in rationalizing evil. There can be no reasonable doubt, in fact, no doubt period, that the baby, prior to being murdered, is a breathing, living person. 
Hillary and Obama rationalize this evil, human sacrifice under various guises – for example, claiming the child is not a person, or that the issue is women’s health.
History has taught us it is easier to rationalize the killing or enslavement of a nonperson or inferior person, rather than a person like us.
Is the pre-born baby a person? We know that on the day of conception, that baby has a unique personal DNA, unlike any other creature from the dawn of time. From that DNA, then, we can actually determine much of the future physical characteristics of that person. By day 22 the baby’s heart begins to beat with its own blood. By week five we see eyes, legs and hands, by week six brain waves, week seven eyelids, toes and a distinct nose. By week eight every organ is in place and bones begin to form. In week 11 the baby can grasp objects in his hand, and by week 17 that baby can dream. Imagine that baby at week 36 when Hillary would kill him. She boasts of her dedication to children and helping them fulfill their dreams, yet she would snuff out the dreams of millions of pre-born children.
Is personhood defined by stage of development? Our own history and that of the world teaches us that people of certain cultures who were deemed less intelligent or who had not reached arbitrarily defined levels of culture, i.e., in music, math, science, etc., were not fully persons and were subject to ownership and even death by those in other cultures who were “superior” in those areas – or who simply had power over them. In our own culture, blacks were judged inferior to whites, i.e., less developed, and therefore could be the property of whites and treated accordingly. We saw that mindset in the Spanish canonization of the Americas when the natives were deemed less developed than the Spanish, inferior and incapable of self-governing and worthy only of enslavement and even death. An unborn baby can inherit. It can sue if wantonly killed in its mother womb. We are told that humans don’t reach full development until age 17. Is a 1-year-old a person? Personhood is defined by what that being can become, not what it is. An unborn baby can become nothing other than a person.
Surely Hillary, as the “smartest person on the planet,” understands two primary principles of ethics: non-maleficence, that harming others is a primary consideration in ethical decisions; and “the ends do not justify the means.” Abortion takes an innocent life and destroys another; it jeopardizes the health of the mother. Reports of women suffering after abortions are legion. No end justifies the intentional taking of innocent life.
The “smartest person on the planet” must also understand two primary principles of law: causation (perhaps from non-maleficence), human conduct is a crime if it causes harm; and concurrence, intent, must be a part of the act. Abortion causes harm to both the baby and the mother, and there can be no other intention than that of killing a human being. Surely Hillary understands intent more than others. She would be in jail had not the FBI ruled that the crimes she committed were void of intent. No matter how one twists or rationalizes abortion, it is an evil, criminal act.
By any definition of ethics or law, abortion is immoral and should be illegal.
We should also note that many women who have abortions, depending on their own consciences, may commit no evil since there is no law against what they do, and in fact they may believe they are doing what is right. The evil rests with politicians like Hillary and the amoral courts that have corrupted many Americans on this issue especially the poor among us.
Abortion is also a threat to the character and survival of our country. Our founders separated us from all ancient countries when they declared the truth that persons have certain unalienable rights, rights, coming not from a king or dictator, but from God himself. Those rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (originally property), and the purpose of government is to protect these rights. It is no accident that life comes first. There can be no liberty or happiness without it. Our government has violated its founding charter by attacking the right to life of pre-born babies. We have joined civilizations that killed and enslaved those deemed as lesser persons and practiced human sacrifice. We are no longer the “shining city on a hill” or the last hope of mankind. Abortion is a Trojan horse in the city on the hill.
St. Teresa believed abortion was an assault on peace itself. In the presence of Hillary, she said: “I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?” She added: ” Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.”
Another quote by Mother Teresa when she received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979: “And so today, let us here make a strong resolution: We are going to save every little child every unborn child and give them a chance to be born. … Let us all pray that we have the courage to stand by the unborn child, and give the child an opportunity to love and to be love, and I think with Gods grace we will be able to bring peace to the world.”
In a tribute to the declining moral fiber of our country, media immorality, politicians’ cowardice (media-phobia) and voter apathy, the so-called “social issues,” i.e., sodomite “marriage” and abortion, are pretty much off the table this election. Yet it is these issues, life, the family and morality, that determine the character, indeed the survival of any nation. 
The garbage bin of history is stuffed with nations that wallowed in the cesspool of immorality. Any voter who truly cares about anything beyond his six-pack and remote, who cares about the future of our country, could not in good conscience vote for a candidate who would take innocent life. Period. 
We know that too many politicians are not influenced by their consciences, or right and wrong, but only votes. No politician should be allowed to vote for abortion, especially partial-birth abortion, until after they have witnessed one.
I cannot understand why Jews and blacks in such large numbers stand by abortionist pols when many of them have been in the same tragic situation as the unborn child; or why Hispanics, many who are supposedly Catholic, do the same. The Catholic Church is the strongest bastion of life in our country. I would urge anyone with questions on abortion before voting to read Father Robert Spitzer, SJ, Ph.D., who lays waste to the intellect and morals of abortionists and those who support them.
Abortion trumps (pardon the pun) all issues in this election. Life is the first principle of our Declaration and should be of our voting. Killing babies may be who were are, in the words of Obama and Hillary, but it is not who we were meant to be.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/10/the-voting-issue-that-trumps-all-others/#M1buUevgWHcJhcvX.99

My comments: Gen. Patrick Brady is RIGHT, as long as Abortion is Sanctioned by the U.S. Government, America has NO FUTURE, before the Living God.  

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