Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Pilgrims, Patrick Henry . . . and You

Today we walk in the footsteps of pilgrims and patriots from the past—and in the presence of heroes in the here-and-now.

November 22, 2016 - First liberty

“Give me liberty or give me death!” was the challenge issued by founder Patrick Henry to his fellow Virginians at the dawn of the American Revolution. But in that phrase he spoke for Americans of all eras and all regions—from the Pilgrims of 1620’s New England to our day, in cities, towns, and workplaces across our land.
patrick-henry-1775We remember the Pilgrims this Thanksgiving week. These faith-filled heroes rejected the relative comforts of England and Holland, and the temptation to renounce their religious conscience and “get on with life,” in order to come to America to worship God according to their consciences.
Like Patrick Henry, their attitude was “liberty or death.” Their first winter on this new continent, 45 of 102 brave Pilgrims—children, women, men—got death.
Some died from starvation. Some froze. Some died from diseases. Some lived, but must have died inside watching their spouse or children suffer and breathe their last. All those who died sacrificed so that we might enjoy the blessings of religious liberty today.
hith-pilgrims-eWe honor them by fighting today for the freedom for which they lived—and for which so many of them gave up their lives.
We also remember the 56 brave men in Philadelphia who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776, who knew they were potentially signing their own death warrants. Why did they risk it? Of course, the answer is found in the words of the Declaration: “all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” They fought because they knew that rights come from God, not government.
At the end of the Declaration, they pledged “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” How could we do less?
Now it’s our turn to sacrifice for the sacred gift of religious liberty. Our generation includes pilgrims and patriots willing to stand up for freedom.
These include First Liberty clients such as:
kennedy_smilingCoach Joe Kennedyfired for his faith. Coach Kennedy came from a deeply troubled childhood which included a broken home and a great deal of sorrow. But God transformed his life. A retired Marine, he became a beloved high school assistant football coach in Bremerton, Washington. He worked hard to cultivate a culture of community, unity, and brotherhood among his players. But Joe Kennedy is also a Christian. In 2015 he lost his job when he refused to cease his personal practice, which is completely lawful of praying at the 50-yard line after games. It hurts him not to be coaching, but his federal lawsuit could set a precedent for religious freedom for countless Americans. Joe Kennedy is a modern pilgrim and patriot—a hero in our midst.
Oscar Rodriguez
Oscar Rodriguezassaulted for his faith. Oscar grew up watching movies on television about soldiers fighting to keep America free. Each time the national anthem was played before a Little League baseball game, he would try to hide or blink back the tears from the other boys, because he knew the sacrifices made for that flag. After a 33-year career in the Air Force, Oscar gained a reputation for his stirring recital of a “flag folding” ceremony speech, which included phrases like, “God bless our flag,” and “God bless America.” But when he was scheduled to perform the speech at a private retirement ceremony on an Air Force Base earlier this year, Oscar was warned not to say the word, “God.” He refused, and was physically assaulted and ejected from the ceremony. Oscar Rodriguez is a modern pilgrim and patriot—a hero of religious liberty.
The Kountze, Texas, cheerleaders. These young ladies stood up for their right to put uplifting Bible verses on football banners. They were threatened by their own school district. They were hauled into court and put on a witness stand. They were mercilessly grilled by hard-nosed attorneys, hammering at them and twisting their words until one girl was reduced to tears even as she courageously shared her faith and her insistence upon religious liberty. The Kountze cheerleaders and their family are modern pilgrims and patriots—heroes of American liberty.
There are more.
Aaron and Melissa Klein and their familyChristian bakers whose family business was ruined because they refused to make a cake celebrating a same-sex wedding.
Dr. Eric Walsha lifesaving health official and lay pastor, fired for his faith.
Although First Liberty serves such clients at no charge, they still sacrifice for freedom, just like the Pilgrims and Founding Fathers. Many suffer years of difficult legal battles (hearings, cross-examinations, public shame, hostility from employers, threats and intimidation from the government). They pay a price.
This weekend, please take a moment to thank God for brave Americans like those in the history books and those fighting for religious freedom today. We need more of them.
And among the heroes are First Liberty prayer and financial supporters like you.
Without the sacrifices of time in prayer and funds for the legal defense of those who stand up for their rights, there would be no religious liberty in America.
First Liberty supporters are often unsung, but their sacrifices are utterly necessary for the battle for religious freedom to continue on the front lines of legal conflict.
Thanks to all who follow in the footsteps of the pilgrims, patriots like Patrick Henry, and all America’s patriots through the centuries. This Thanksgiving weekend, we have reason to rejoice in the past victories for freedom in America’s history, for present-day heroes who continue to fight for that freedom, and for a future of continuing freedom if we keep producing the heroes we need.
 News and Commentary is brought to you by First Liberty’s team of writers and legal experts.

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