Monday, November 21, 2016


Twin Falls, Idaho



Exclusive: Pamela Geller says Idaho family 'has suffered almost every kind of injustice'

Last summer, a 5-year-old girl was orally, anally and vaginally raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho. Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants.
And it just keeps getting worse. The victim’s mother has now informed me that, despite the huge medical expenses for their daughter that this attack has necessitated, the state of Idaho has told her the maximum assistance that her family can get is $4,500.
Make sure you’re never raped in the state of Idaho: If you’re 5 years old and your attackers are from a politically protected class, you’re only worth $4,500.
There seems to be no willingness on the part of the state or the county to reimburse this long-suffering family for any of the other costs that they have incurred because of the crime. Because they felt threatened – with very good reason – in continuing to live next door to one of the attackers’ families, they have been living in a succession of hotels; they have spent in excess of $2,000 in hotels alone.
Why did they have to relocate? Because Muslims were stopping in front of their home at night and shooting bottle rockets at it at 11:30 p.m. Apparently that kind of menacing and harassment doesn’t qualify as demonstrating a need for relocation.
The family also incurred babysitting fees, as well as expenses for transportation to get themselves to and from court. Then there is the astronomical cost of their lawyer, and other costs that he will require to accomplish anything positive for them.
This poor family has suffered almost every kind of injustice, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
It is outrageous. And it gets even worse. For the longest time, the attacker wasn’t even limited in his access to the community’s children; now he must be supervised by someone 14 years old or older. When they stipulated this, the court had to have been aware that there was a boy who videotaped the rape who was also 14. This is a gross insult against this victimized family – and a direct result of a judge’s decision.
Meanwhile, the neighbor of the family who caught the perpetrators in the act, an elderly woman known to all as “Grandma Jo,” has been living in constant terror since she first happened upon the grisly scene. She has been stalked by the Iraqi family of the 7-year-old attacker. Her apartment is back-to-back with theirs; they peer into her windows and pace back and forth in front of her apartment in a clearly menacing manner.
The prosecuting attorney, Grant Loebs, has gone out of his way to imply that this rape was false information. His interviews have led the media and public officials to deny clear facts of the case. The U.S. attorney for Idaho even vowed to charge anyone who made false statements about the perps. The Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations has whined that the case has become “a lightning rod for anti-Muslim, and anti-refugee sentiments.”
Meanwhile, the victim in Twin Falls, once a happy and social child, now frequently insists that she wants to be alone. She finds a small and safe space inside a closet and stays in it alone for hours. Once a very chatty and happy child, she has become very quiet. Even during the summer heat of Twin Falls, she always wore two T-shirts and two pairs of underwear. She talked constantly about “those naughty boys” and asked her mother repeatedly not to tell her father everything that happened because it will upset him.
The alleged attackers’ families had no trouble getting new homes, but the victim’s family is still without a new apartment. Now that the media firestorm has subsided, the family is simply being ignored.
This little girl deserves justice. And she is not getting it. We are not going to forget about this case. The authorities who have failed this family and betrayed it for political correctness need to be repudiated, rejected, rebuked and removed from office. Enough is enough.

My comments: Islam is a Scourge wherever they go, and a Government that allows them to Terrorize their neighbors is WORSE. 

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